Lyudmila Putina is the former first lady of Russia. The marriage with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin became the reason for keen interest in Lyudmila. But she attracted more attention to her person after her divorce from the President. The break in relations between the spouses was intelligent. Even during her marriage, Lyudmila Putina tried not to attract special attention to herself, which produced the opposite effect and the events associated with her always aroused genuine curiosity. And today this interest in Lyudmila is still not lost.

Autobiography of Lyudmila Putina
Putina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna (nee Shkrebneva) was born on January 6, 1958 in a working class family. Lyudmila's father worked at a mechanical repair plant, and her mother worked all her life as a cashier in a motorcade. The family lived in a small apartment in one of the workers' quarters of Kaliningrad. Lyudmila studied in an ordinary secondary school №8. The teachers mark her as a student of the humanities. The girl makes particular progress in the study of the Russian language and literature. She is fascinated by poetry, and she even tries to write poetry herself. Lyudmila often takes part in reading contests and is distinguished by her special artistry, good diction and excellent memory. She quickly memorizes large poetic meters. Not a single school event, and not a single matinee takes place without the participation of a talented girl. Lyudmila, like many of her peers, dreamed of becoming an actress. And no one around doubted that this would be the case. In 1975, Lyudmila Shkrebneva successfully graduated from school and entered her native Kaliningrad Technical University. After studying in it for two years, the girl realizes that she is not interested in studying in it, and decides to leave there. She goes to work as a postman at the local post office. After working there for some time and subsequently quitting, she gets a job at the Torgmash plant as an apprentice turner, where she receives the 2nd category of a revolver turner. She later quit the factory and got a job as a nurse at a local hospital. In 1980, Lyudmila was admitted to the team of the Kaliningrad squadron as a flight attendant. Cheerful character, openness and kindness make her a favorite in the team.

A young girl is actively looking for her place in life. In 1981, she finally decided on the profession and entered the Leningrad State University as a philologist-novelist with an in-depth study of foreign languages. The girl no longer thinks about her school dream of becoming an actress. In her third year at university, Lyudmila meets with Vladimir Putin, which will further affect her entire life. In the meantime, Lyudmila has yet to graduate from the institute and work in her specialty, teaching German in her native Alma Mater. The onset of the nineties did not bypass her either. Lyudmila managed to work as a manager of a clothing store and for several years was a representative of Telecominvest OJSC.
First lady status
The status of the first lady imposed a number of responsibilities on Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Putin. During this period, she is actively involved in social and political activities, participating in the creation of various charitable projects. On her personal initiative, the Center for the Development of the Russian Language was created.

In 2002, Lyudmila Putin was awarded the prestigious Jacob Grim Prize. She was awarded this prize for her invaluable contribution to cultural exchange between Russia and Germany. Lyudmila Putina is an honorary citizen of Kaliningrad, an honorary professor at the Eurasian University named after I. Gumilyov. She was awarded the A. Pushkin medal "For great services in the spread of the Russian language", the "Olive branch" order of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University, the jubilee medal "270 years of St. Petersburg University".
Personal life of Lyudmila Putina
The former first lady met Vladimir Putin as a third-year student at Leningrad State University in 1983. The theater box offices of the Lensovet became the place of their acquaintance. They both came to the concert of the famous comedian Arkady Raikin. The tastes of the young people coincided, they both really liked his work. They dated for three years before deciding to get married. Almost immediately after the wedding, Vladimir Vladimirovich was sent on a business trip to Germany for four years. The young wife, of course, goes with him. On this business trip, the presidential couple gave birth to two wonderful daughters, Maria and Katerina.

After the victory of Vladimir Putin in the presidential election, Lyudmila's life changed radically. Now she is not just the wife of a great official, she is the first lady of the Russian state. It is now being watched by the whole country and the world community. What she is wearing, how she speaks, how she moves, every little thing is noticed. Lyudmila is a modest person by nature, even domestic and prefers to be in the shadow of an influential spouse. Having become a public person, she feels discomfort from the close attention riveted to herself. Family life is now completely subordinated to the work of the head of the family. The president's time is scheduled by the clock, and the family lacks it so much. Less and less often he turns out to be with the whole family together. Lyudmila does not have enough attention from her husband, but she understands that he is the head of a large state and devotes all his strength to serving the Motherland. In an interview, she says that she practically does not see her husband because of his round-the-clock employment of state affairs. In 2013, the spouses announced a divorce, explaining the breakdown of the relationship by the impossibility of living a normal family life due to the employment of the husband. On April 1, 2014, the divorce of the presidential couple took place officially. This event became unprecedented and was discussed in the media for a long time.

There have been many speculations about the life of the former first lady after the divorce. One of them even said that Lyudmila Putina went to a monastery. This was linked to the fact that the former wife of the president is a devout person, and perhaps the divorce was the reason for her choice. Other sources provide information that Lyudmila got married, and the famous musician Mikhail Mikhailov became her chosen one. In January 2016, information leaked from some media that Lyudmila Putina had married Artur Ocheretny, head of the Center for the Development of Interpersonal Communications and the Literaturnaya Ucheba publishing house. But no official statements were made, and today all this information is considered speculation. Vladimir Putin refused to answer the last questions about his personal life, citing the fact that this information concerns only him. He and his ex-wife have not given any interviews on this matter so far.