Contrary to the biblical prescription “do not create an idol for yourself”, many people devote their thoughts and give their love to such a distant and so close famous person. Whatever happens in their own life, they always remember that somewhere there is he or she, beautiful, happy, inaccessible. From time to time, a fan has a desire to write to his idol in order to become even a little closer to him.

It is necessary
The postal or email address of the idol; office supplies or a computer with internet access
Step 1
It is quite difficult to find the mailing address of a famous person, as a rule, it is not advertised. However, on the websites of the official fan clubs of the stars or on the official website of the celebrity itself, there is sometimes information about a PO Box to which you can send correspondence.
You can also contact the idol via the Internet, addressing the message to the email address intended for letters from fans. Famous people almost always give information about such an email address on their official website. In addition, social networks can be used to communicate with the star, if they have a genuine page of your idol.
Step 2
Before starting to compose a letter, answer the question for yourself why you are writing to your idol. Perhaps you want to express your love and admiration, or, on the contrary, dissatisfaction; tell about yourself; ask for help or offer your help, etc. A well-defined purpose of the message will help you in composing your letter.
Step 3
Choose an appeal to your idol depending on his age and how he positions himself. For example, Lev Leshchenko, acting in a serious artistic image, is most likely waiting for a conservative address by name and patronymic - Lev Valerianovich. At the same time, "ranetka" Anya Rudneva will probably be surprised if an ardent admirer in a letter calls her Anna Olegovna. Whatever you call an idol, by name or by name and patronymic, the rules of politeness require the use of the pronoun "you".
Step 4
Although mentally you are used to sharing all the bitterness and joys with your idol, do not forget that you are still a stranger to him. Do not write about intimate matters related to the personal life of a star. Despite the fact that famous people are always in sight, invading their personal space is a sign of disrespect.
Step 5
Avoid writing about topics that are sick of your idol. Often this is a question of the patronage of famous and wealthy parents, the prosperity of a famous competitor, for an actor - a discussion of a role, from which he cannot escape in any way. Your advantage is that you follow the life of your idol, read his interviews and surely know the topics that annoy and depress the star.
Step 6
Try to make your letter interesting and memorable, and then, perhaps, your idol will write back to you.