We all commit transgressions in life, because of which we suffer ourselves and cause difficulties for others. Dostoevsky wrote an entire book describing the crime and punishment of a young student. If you do not allow fear to take over your soul, in many cases you can eliminate the consequences of the mistake and get rid of possible punishment.

Step 1
Admit your guilt. Do it yourself in front of you. If you are a believer, admit your guilt before God. It is important to calm down and not look for excuses for yourself. What happened is already in the past. You don't need to execute yourself all your life now. It is better to think about what conclusions will prevent this from happening in the future. We must get up and move on. In life, everyone benefits from a person who strives for creation, and not self-destruction.
Step 2
Fix whatever you can. Your action or inaction has entailed certain consequences. Think about what you can fix immediately. Broke a cup - go and buy a new one. No money - write a note to the owner of the cup that you will buy it a little later. The main thing is that you immediately start building a new life.
Step 3
Make a list of what you fixed. Add points you don't know how to fix. The list is very important. Looking at him, you gain confidence in your abilities. You cannot eliminate all the consequences yourself. Something cannot be fixed at all. Enter all these points in a separate section of your list, with the necessary explanations.
Step 4
Show the list to someone who can punish you. This is the hardest step. But you have already done so much that there is nowhere to retreat. Be decisive. In life, a person is often forgiven for admitting guilt and beginning to improve. You have already done everything necessary, do not stop now.