Why The Reik Sect Is Dangerous

Why The Reik Sect Is Dangerous
Why The Reik Sect Is Dangerous

Gone are the days when most people knew nothing about sects or knew so little that they easily fell for their bait. But, unfortunately, adherents of such religious teachings are finding more and more new ways to involve naive students in their ranks.

Reiki sect symbolism
Reiki sect symbolism

What is a sect

A sect is, first of all, a group of religious fanatics who try to gather as many adherents into their ranks as possible. Such fanatics preach, as a rule, doctrines that have nothing to do with any of the world's religions. Not all sects are harmless, and the main goal of their leaders is profit.

Some of the most dangerous are the so-called Reik teachings, as well as the sect named after him. This religious organization of an occult nature, which is built on a pyramidal type on a commercial basis. To replenish their ranks, the leaders of the sect use extraordinary hypnotic and oratory abilities, in addition, they all have an incredible gift of persuasion and perfectly know the subtleties of psychology.

Why the Reik sect is dangerous

This sect is based on pseudo-medical teachings. The people who dominate in it claim that they can cure any disease, relieve torment in cases when treatment with traditional medicine methods does not give results or the patient's recovery is not progressing at the pace that they would like.

The main emphasis of the sectarians is on the miraculous healing of children with cancer, congenital pathologies that negatively affect the quality of life. It is no secret that desperate parents are ready to do anything to help their child - these are the feelings that the shameless leaders of the Reika sect play on. They offer to suffering people or their relatives to deposit money, to issue donations for real estate or other material values, since such steps supposedly contribute to miraculous healing.

Many patients, under the influence of sectarians, refuse qualified medical care and drug treatment, thereby exposing themselves to mortal danger. Blind faith in the miraculous power of sectarians in most cases leads to the death of the patient, for which, by the way, the healers then blame the patients themselves or their relatives, who allegedly acted incorrectly or did not follow all the instructions of the healers.

How to protect yourself from sectarians

There have been many fraudsters of any level at all times, but in the modern world the most ideal conditions have been created for them - unemployment, the popularization of magic and the occult on TV and in the media, an unstable financial situation in the world, and frequent crisis periods.

To protect yourself from different types of sects, it is important to understand that free cheese is only in a mousetrap, and religious rules and teachings are preached exclusively within the walls of a temple or church, but not on the street or in the entrance of a residential building.

The first and main step is to refuse to talk about religious topics with strangers, no matter how adequate and decent they may seem. It is important to realize that no healer or witch doctor can help in the treatment of any disease, even the common cold, and an apartment pledged or donated to a stranger will not restore health to a loved one, just like a group hypnosis session.