Rachel Taylor: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Rachel Taylor: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Rachel Taylor: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Rachel Taylor is a popular TV and movie actress. She woke up famous after the release of the movie "Transformers". And participation in such TV series as "The Defenders" and "Jessica Jones" consolidated the success and fame of the artist.

Rachel Taylor
Rachel Taylor

In 1984, a child appeared in the family of Christina and Nigel Taylor - a girl named Rachel. Her birthday: July 11. Rachel was born in the provincial small town of Launceston, which is located in the state of Tasmania in Australia. Although from an early age the girl was interested in art and creativity, she was very artistic, she seriously thought about the career of an actress only as a teenager.

Early biography of Rachel Taylor

Rachel began seriously developing her acting talent when she was thirteen years old. At the suggestion of her literature teacher, she enrolled in the Riverside School drama club, where she received her secondary education.

Rachel Taylor
Rachel Taylor

At that time, along with her interest in acting, Rachel became interested in the modeling business. As a teenager, she was able to get into a modeling agency and conclude a contract to participate in advertising photo shoots. Thanks to her appearance and artistry, Rachel became the winner of a teenage beauty pageant. After that, the girl took part in the Miss World and Miss Universe contests.

For the first time on television as an artist Rachel got, having passed the selection for shooting in the TV program "Headland". After that, the aspiring actress began to be invited to various television shows. Taylor began her acting career in 2004, starring in the television series The Mystery of Natalie Wood.

Rachel Taylor's acting career

To date, the filmography of a television and film actress has more than 20 different projects. Among them there are both "walk-throughs", in which Taylor performed minor roles, and very successful ones, which brought Rachel popularity and fame.

Actress Rachel Taylor
Actress Rachel Taylor

After debuting in 2004, Rachel appeared on the television show "MacLeod's Daughters" a year later. In the same 2005, the aspiring actress starred in two full-length films: "Goblin" and "Hercules".

In 2006, the young actress was offered to play the role of the girl Zoya in the film I See No Evil. A year later, Rachel Taylor appeared in the movie "Transformers". It was the role in this film that made the girl famous and set the subsequent tone for the development of her career.

Between 2008 and 2009, Taylor worked on films such as Contact List, Bottle Hit, Phantoms, and Desperate Heads. A new wave of success and popularity swept the actress when she signed a contract to shoot in two television series: Charlie's Angels and Grey's Anatomy. Both of these series were aired in 2011. In the same year, Rachel was invited to join the cast of the Hollywood movie "Phantom", and she also appeared among the actors in the tape "Red Dog".

Biography of Rachel Taylor
Biography of Rachel Taylor

From 2012 to 2013, Taylor worked on the 666 Park Avenue project. Initially, this series had high ratings, but after the tenth episode, it began to lose ground. As a result, the TV show was canceled after the first season.

In 2015, Rachel Taylor was cast and cast for one of the roles in the Marvel television series Jessica Jones. She embodied the image of the Hellcat (Trish Walker) on the screen. The filming of the television series lasted until 2018.

The last to date television project for Rachel Taylor is the series "The Defenders" (2017). Up to this point, the filmography of the popular actress has been replenished with several more films, including Loft (2014), Arch (2016) and Gold (2016).

Rachel Taylor and her biography
Rachel Taylor and her biography

Personal life, family and relationships

Rachel does not like to talk about her private life and talk about romantic hobbies. Because of this, there have always been a lot of rumors and gossip in the press about how Rachel Taylor lives and with whom she meets. At various times, she was prescribed romance with photographer Mike Piscitelli, actor Zachary Levay, agent Jason Travik. However, not a single relationship led to a wedding, so Rachel does not have a husband and a child at the moment.
