Social Sphere As Space

Social Sphere As Space
Social Sphere As Space

The social sphere as a space is a set of certain stable relationships between the subjects of society. The concept of the social sphere can be viewed both from the point of view of economic processes and from the point of view of social philosophy.

Social sphere as space
Social sphere as space

Social sphere as an economic component of society

Social structure is a set of social systems, i.e. groups of people united on a specific basis. From the point of view of economics, the social sphere is defined as an integral system of relations between social groups that differ in their socio-economic status, attitude towards property, and their role in the organization of social labor. Social groups can be labor collectives, classes, age and gender groups.

The social sphere is considered as a set of economic sectors, enterprises and organizations, united to maintain the standard of living and optimal distribution of economic benefits between groups of people. The social sphere includes state social policy, health care system, social security for different groups of the population, housing and communal infrastructure, transport infrastructure, educational level, activities of public organizations, cultural characteristics of society. The economic policy of the state in the social sphere is aimed at the redistribution of state revenues, taking into account the interests of socially unstable, needy groups of citizens.

The social sphere includes the following concepts:

- social relations (relations between established groups of people for the exchange and distribution of benefits, division of labor, participation in public life);

- social activity (labor, political, social, cultural);

- social institutions (education system, health care, etc.).

Small and large social institutions are distinguished in the life of society. The first include the family, associations of people. The second group includes government bodies, institutions and organizations.

Definition of the social sphere in social philosophy

In social philosophy, the social sphere is interpreted as a set of relations that define a person as a social being. The social sphere brings together the vital interests of people. The quality of life and balance in social relations depend on her condition. An integral part of the social sphere are social processes and phenomena, as well as activities aimed at solving emerging problems between groups of society.

There are two main functions of the social sphere: the development of human potential and the provision of social stability. An important feature of the social sphere is social mobility - the transition of people from one social group and strata to another. Thus, the social sphere acts as a sphere of society's life, uniting the relations of people aimed at satisfying everyday, cultural, emotional needs.
