The study of man in general and society in the private, which implies philosophical science, presupposes the fragmentation of social systems into the spheres of the life of society and man. Social is one of four such spheres and has one of the most important values for philosophy.

What does the social sphere include
Along with the economic, political and spiritual spheres, the social sphere implies:
- a typical type of human activity (it can be educational activity, political, etc.);
- the existence of a system of social institutions (work collective, school, family, church, political party);
- relationships that have developed as a result of interaction between people (for example, the relationship between parents and children, between friends, between enemies, between a teacher and a student).
It should be noted that a person exists and interacts in all spheres at the same time, not only in the social one. For example, if you are selling a TV to your relative, you are simultaneously in at least two areas - social and economic. And if at the same time you are a politician, and your relative is religious, then in all four at once.
How human existence is interpreted through the social sphere
Philosophy calls the social sphere of social life in which all kinds of communities arise, interacting with each other at the level of social relations. Thus, a person in society can fulfill a number of social roles: boss or subordinate, city dweller or peasant, father of a family, son, brother. Actually, even such a fact as gender imposes certain social rights and obligations on a person - the behavior of men and women in any society is different. Based on the social communities that a person belongs to, and the social roles that he has to fulfill, it is possible to build a philosophical portrait of both an individual person and an “average” member of society, as well as society as a whole. Social research is usually carried out in the form of a questionnaire. The most important points to consider when drawing up a sociological picture are as follows:
- demographic structure (this may include men and women, single and married, the elderly and young people);
- ethnic structure (determined by nationality);
- professional structure (salespeople, economists, doctors, teachers, janitors, etc.);
- educational structure (people with higher education, students, schoolchildren);
- settlement structure (urban or rural resident);
- the estate structure (here the social position, the origin of the individual, as well as all kinds of castes, classes and estates, if they are accepted in a given society, matter).