What Is The Difference Between A Diploma And A Letter Of Thanks

What Is The Difference Between A Diploma And A Letter Of Thanks
What Is The Difference Between A Diploma And A Letter Of Thanks

There are many forms through which the employer rewards the employee for the quality performance of job duties. These include a letter of thanks and a certificate.

For academic success
For academic success

Among all the forms of encouragement, one can most often find a certificate and a letter of thanks. In form, both types represent a typographic form with a design design. What privileges, changes in official position or material relations provides each of the above types of encouragement is not an idle question.

Both individuals and organizations can be encouraged and awarded with diplomas and letters of thanks.

What is a diploma

A diploma is awarded for achievements in a certain type of activity. The text of the letter is usually dry and concise. The text indicates specific achievements in a particular type of activity, that is, the diploma records the fact of achievements.

For the certificate, standard A4 forms of typographic processing are used. Sometimes there is a cliché on the forms, it remains only to enter the name and surname of the person to be awarded, as well as the name of the issuing authority. Sometimes a blank is used, and the main text is entered in-house.

What is a Thank You Letter

A letter of thanks has a wider range of uses and can be issued not only for specific merits, but also simply for a responsible attitude to a particular event. The most common use of thank-you letters is gratitude to the parents of schoolchildren.

The style of the text of the thank you letter is not limited by strict frames, and it depends on the body issuing the letter of thanks how warm the words addressed to the encouraged person will be. For letters of thanks, ready-made A4 forms are also used.

What is the fundamental difference

The fundamental difference between a letter of gratitude and a letter of thanks lies in the semantic content - fixing a fact in one case, and expressing gratitude in another.

As for material support, this issue is resolved at the local level, most often at the municipal or regional level.

The possibility of material support is prescribed in the Regulations and is adopted in accordance with the legislation. At the same time, it is possible to differentiate between a letter of gratitude and a letter of thanks, since a diploma is most often given for specific merits, often expressed in specific numbers.

In any case, information about diplomas and other incentives is entered into the relevant sections of the work book and provides grounds for encouraging the owner based on the results of his work for a certain period.
