What Are Moral Values

What Are Moral Values
What Are Moral Values

The word morality came to us from the Latin moralitas - tradition, folk custom, morality, disposition. Norov - we are also talking about a bright character. In the usual sense, everything that is right, good and kind is moral. Immoral means bad, evil, unjust - wrong.

What are moral values
What are moral values

The formation of morality occurs in the process of the historical development of human society as a whole, nation, nationality, large or small settlement.

The norms of morality are determined by the ideas of the survival of the ethnos, an attempt to create mutual tolerance and, if possible, mutual respect.

The most universal moral values are respect for old age, reverence for parents, parental sacrifice in relation to their children, caring for the sick.

The listed postulates contribute to the procreation, and therefore are fundamental. Failure to comply with these moral principles is condemned by society and sometimes severely punished.

Also common to almost all peoples are moral principles that affect the construction and organization of families and family relations.

The family hierarchy and the distribution of responsibilities were arranged in such a way that for almost all peoples a woman, a mother, is the keeper of the hearth. A man is a breadwinner and protector of the family.

A woman, moreover, is the personification of family purity, honor and conscience.

In the recent past, great importance was attached to the issues of virginity - the purity of a girl entering into marriage. This deprived the man of the reason and the opportunity to reproach his wife, which, of course, contributed to the strength of family ties. The question of the bride's purity was by no means a matter of personal relationships between the young. This aspect of high morality, premarital purity of the future mother of the family was controlled by the public.

The fact of marrying a virgin, virgin, did not give the husband the opportunity to accuse his wife of infidelity in the future and drive her out of the house. Since her further moral development, in the opinion of society, depended on her husband, on himself. And society protected these traditions and forced them to read.

At certain stages in the development of society, moral values can change. Sometimes - dramatically. Remember Vitaly Mansky's documentary "Virginity". Remember the painful conversation scene in the car of the author and the heroine, who decided to sell her virginity for 3000 US dollars.

This is not a dark farm girl. Her mother is a school teacher. She herself is well-read, speaks well and fluently. Skillfully silent - long pauses should show an inner struggle, pangs of conscience. However, the cynical fact that for $ 500 “from above” she agreed to expose her shame to the whole world makes you strongly doubt the sincerity of such a struggle.

The change and loss by society of established moral principles does not change this very society for the better. This is noted by both sociologists and ordinary people, and statistics also speak of this. Demographics are particularly sensitive. In countries where the desire to get rich by any means has become the supreme principle, families are fragile and fickle, the birth rate is steadily falling.

Nothing personal just business! What could be more cynical than such a motto ?!
