What Are Cultural Values

What Are Cultural Values
What Are Cultural Values

Every day people live contemplating the world around them, and everyone sees something of their own in it. Artists see colors, architects see forms. Meanwhile, practically everything with which life is filled is of value, because all this is a culture of being. The culture that was passed down from the ancestors and that mankind will pass on to descendants - this is the culture of being with its cultural values.

What are cultural values
What are cultural values

Material culture

Of course, modern life is different from the life of grandmothers, great-grandmothers, but, nevertheless, traditions, foundations and habits are passed from generation to generation. At the same time, in addition to the carriers of the national mentality, people are the recipients of a colossal number and variety of cultural values. This is the legacy of the nation, which has absorbed the history of the country, and it is expressed in the full spectrum of spiritual and material values created both by individual outstanding personalities and by the people as a whole.

So, for example, the cultural values of Russia are, without a doubt, temples and churches, royal palaces; The Tretyakov Gallery and the Hermitage, famous all over the world for the wealth of their exhibits created by the hands of brilliant compatriots and other world famous artists, sculptors and other masters.

Every monument in the city, every exhibit of a local museum, all of these are cultural values of Russia and its people. However, in addition to the material culture - things that can be seen, which can be touched, there is also a spiritual culture amazing in its beauty and power.

Spiritual values of the people

The diversity and greatness of the spiritual component truly cannot be overestimated. For example, the Russian ballet, whose artists from season to season make the most luxurious theaters in the world applaud while standing. And how many songs, fairy tales, epics, beliefs and signs the people have accumulated over hundreds of years! How many wars have been experienced and victories won! From all this, the spirit of the Russian people is woven, and this people gave the world Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Mendeleev, Gagarin and an infinitely long list of people whose works and achievements forever remained not only in the history of Russia, but in everything the world. The creative and scientific heritage of these and many other people is a vivid example of the greatest cultural values of world importance.

But culture is not limited to the great, this unique phenomenon lies precisely in the fact that the spiritual heritage, as part of cultural values, is made up of trifles: the traditions of tea drinking, nepotism, everyday rituals, and even from relations with each other, which are accepted by the people. Somewhere they respect the elders, and somewhere they put children at the forefront, somewhere in families, patriarchy, and somewhere women dominate - and all this is also part of the culture.

Of course, the cultural heritage of Russia is striking in its scale and grandeur, but every country in the world also has its own cultural values, which are sometimes so different that one can only wonder how different peoples live on earth, and how different cultures they carry.