What Is Hidden Behind The Concept Of "moral Values"

What Is Hidden Behind The Concept Of "moral Values"
What Is Hidden Behind The Concept Of "moral Values"

There are categories that people actively operate on a daily basis. For example, morality, ethics, good and evil. These categories are partly evaluative, partly philosophical; it is very difficult to explain them due to the fact that they will always bear a subjective imprint.

Moral values
Moral values

Composition of the category "moral values"

Moral values include all-encompassing ideas, the meaning of life, goodness, conscience, happiness, and others. In this case, morality should be understood as a system of rules and a norm of behavior in society, as well as in relation to the surrounding reality. you cannot be a highly moral person in a team, and immoral outside of it. For each person, the priority order of moral values is individual and depends on personal qualities.

One of the main concepts related to moral values is the concept of good and evil. But it must be borne in mind that these concepts can be subjective and relative, therefore, what for one may seem good, for another seems evil.

morality: the struggle between good and evil, #moral
morality: the struggle between good and evil, #moral

Another important component of moral values is duty and conscience. These two concepts are inextricably linked. Conscience is the ability of a person to critically assess their actions in non-fulfillment of duty.

Continuing the theme of moral values, I would like to note such human qualities as honor and dignity. These concepts express the idea of a person as a moral person who requires respect for himself.

honor and dignity, #moral
honor and dignity, #moral

Moral values are often confused with moral values, although they are two different concepts. All moral values ultimately boil down to what is good and important for you, in other words, moral values have a certain value status. At the same time, the ways of reasoning on the topic of moral values are infinitely varied.

One example of moral values is freedom. Choice is a prerequisite for freedom to exist. But the choice is a purely individual matter, the parameters of which set personal preferences. So it turns out that moral freedom cannot be the same for everyone, because sometimes in the same situations people make completely different choices.