Vladimir Almazov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Vladimir Almazov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Vladimir Almazov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Vladimir Andreevich Almazov - cardiologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor. His works are studied not only by Russian, but also by foreign students. He was awarded the honorary title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Almazov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Vladimir Almazov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Childhood, adolescence

Vladimir Andreevich Almazov was born on May 27, 1931 in the village of Rusanovo, Toropetsky District, Tver Region. His childhood was very difficult. Mom worked as a primary school teacher in a local rural school, and his father was engaged in subsidiary farming. From an early age, the future scientist had to help his parents a lot so that the family could survive.

Almazov's childhood fell on difficult war years. After the end of the war, he was determined to get an education. Vladimir Andreevich dreamed of becoming a doctor. He wanted to heal people. In 1948 he entered the Leningrad Medical Institute named after Academician I. P. Pavlov. Studying was easy for him. By the end of his studies, he decided on a specialization. Vladimir Andreevich wanted to study the secrets of the heart and become a cardiologist.


After graduating from the institute, Vladimir Andreevich began working as a graduate student at the department, defended his candidate's and then doctoral dissertations. In 1972 he was appointed head of the department of the Leningrad Medical Institute. Under him, the department developed at a rapid pace. The best doctors were invited to work at the institute.

In 1978, Almazov was appointed chief cardiologist of St. Petersburg. In 1980, he became director of the Research Institute of Cardiology of the USSR Ministry of Health in St. Petersburg, chairman of the St. G. F. Lang.

At the Department of Faculty Therapy, headed by Almazov, a clinic was created, which later became a multidisciplinary medical center. It employed cardiologists, hematologists, surgeons, endocrinologists. This has become a significant contribution to the development of domestic cardiology. Previously, patients did not have the opportunity to undergo a full examination and receive surgical care within the framework of one medical institution.


Under the leadership of Almazov, 60 candidate and 25 doctoral scientific works were defended. He instilled in all his students a love of science and medicine. Vladimir Andreevich became an academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, was elected People's Deputy of the USSR from the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR.

Almazov wrote a large number of scientific papers and articles on his own. He has received a number of awards:

  • the title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation" (1998);
  • Diploma "For outstanding achievements in medicine of the XX century" (Cambridge, 1996).

Among the scientific works of Vladimir Andreevich, a special place is occupied by:

  • Clinical Pathophysiology (1999);
  • "Borderline arterial hypertension" (1992);
  • "Health is the main value" (1987).

Some of the textbooks written by Almazov are considered by modern students to be among the most basic. The name of the great cardiologist is a higher educational institution in St. Petersburg - FSBI "National Medical Research Center named after V. A. Almazov" of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Vladimir Almazov passed away on January 4, 2001. For colleagues and family, this was a complete surprise. The great cardiologist was 70 years old, but until his last days he worked and taught.

A documentary film "Lomonosov from Toropets" was made about the life and career of the academician. The creator of the film tried to show the audience what a versatile and amazing person Vladimir Andreevich was. It is not by chance that he is compared with the famous scientist Lomonosov. Almazov also achieved his goal on his own.

Personal qualities

Very little is known about the personal life of Vladimir Andreevich. He was married. A son was born in marriage. But the scientist spent practically all his time on science. He taught, healed people. Many talented and famous modern doctors call Almazov their teacher and admit that they were unusually lucky to meet such a person on their way.

Vladimir Andreevich was an amazing lecturer. He read accurate and capacious, but at the same time devoid of monotony texts. He did not have identical lectures. He supplemented each subsequent performance with new data. The scientist knew how to convey information to the audience, to interest them.

Former patients and colleagues remember Almazov with great fondness. His modesty and simplicity amazed those around him. Vladimir Andreevich was absolutely devoid of arrogance. During his rounds in the hospital, he tried to listen carefully to each patient. The patients had a feeling of sincere interest in their health and future fate. Almazov never demanded anything from his subordinates, did not force him to do the work as he wanted by order. But the discipline in the departments and in the department was perfect. Colleagues and subordinates admit that it was a shame to work badly next to such a person. It was a shame to put an unfinished article on his desk or to hand over an incompletely examined patient.

An amazing story is connected with the name of Vladimir Andreevich. It was passed from mouth to mouth by students of the medical institution in which he worked. Almazov's desk always had a jar with a human heart in alcohol. The story of its appearance seems incredible. In the 50s of the last century, when the scientist was still a very young student, he did an internship in one of the hospitals. A girl with an incurable heart disease was admitted to a medical institution. The doctors did not know how to help her and believed that her days were numbered. The patient really liked Almazov's friend, who began to pay her attention. The girl answered him in return and, most surprisingly, went on the mend. Later they got married and had children. Before her death, the former patient bequeathed her heart to the educational institution in which Almazov worked. For many years, this heart in alcohol stood on the academician's table in a transparent jar and reminded him that love can heal and sometimes works miracles.