What Church Holidays Are There In December

What Church Holidays Are There In December
What Church Holidays Are There In December

December is marked by one great twelveth feast of the Theotokos of the Orthodox Church, as well as several other significant celebrations. For example, in the memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

What church holidays are there in December
What church holidays are there in December

On December 4, the entire fullness of the Russian Orthodox Church solemnly celebrates the day of the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Holy Tradition of the Christian Church tells about this historical event. The parents of the Virgin Mary Joachim and Anna were childless (they could not have children to the extent of physiological problems and advanced age). However, the righteous prayed to the Lord for the gift of a child. God heeded the prayers of the saints. Joachim and Anna had a girl who became the mother of the Savior of the world. Joachim and Anna made a vow to God that if a child is born to them, he will be consecrated to serve the Lord. When the Mother of God was three years old, her parents solemnly led her into the Jerusalem Temple to study and live. It was there that the Mother of God learned the knowledge of Holy Scripture and faith in God. The church celebrates the feast of the Entry of the Virgin into the temple with a special solemn service.

On December 6, the memory of the holy noble Prince Alexander Nevsky is celebrated. This man is known in history not only as the Grand Duke of the Novgorod lands, but also as a man of holy life. Before his death, Prince Alexander took monastic vows with the name Alexy.

The next day, December 7, the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the holy Great Martyr Catherine. The saint lived in the 4th century. She came from a princely family in Alexandria. Catherine received an excellent education, but she decided to devote her whole life to Christ. For her faith in Christ, the holy great martyr accepted death from the king of the Roman Empire, Maximinus. For refusing to worship the pagan gods, the saint was starved and beaten with ox veins. The martyr accepted death from the beheading of the head with the sword.

On December 13, the Orthodox Church commemorates the memory of the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. He was the first disciple of Jesus Christ. The pious Russian tradition says that in his sermon around the world, the Apostle Andrew reached the Kiev hills. He predicted that on this place a great city would arise, in which the Orthodox faith would shine. The Apostle Andrew ended his life with a martyr's death in 62.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is especially revered among the Russian people. His memory is celebrated on December 19th. It is difficult to find a believing person in whose house there is no icon of this great saint of God. During his lifetime, Saint Nicholas became famous for many miracles. He does not leave people even after death. You can pray to him in all everyday needs, illnesses and sorrows.

On December 25, a holiday is celebrated in honor of the memory of St. Spyridon the Wonderworker of Trimyphus. He lived at the same time as Nicholas the Wonderworker (IV century). The saint is known for his miracles at the First Ecumenical Council, during which the Church decreed the dogma of the deity of Jesus Christ. Thus, in proof of the existence of the Holy Trinity, the saint squeezed a brick in his hands, from which water flowed out, and fire burst upward. Only stones remained in the hands of the bishop. He explained this by the fact that from one brick other natures turned out - fire, water and stone. Likewise, God - He is one, but threefold in Persons.
