Church Orthodox Holidays In December

Church Orthodox Holidays In December
Church Orthodox Holidays In December

The Orthodox calendar is full of holidays and days of commemoration of saints. In December, the great twelveth feast day and the memory of the great saints are celebrated.

Orthodox Church Holidays in December
Orthodox Church Holidays in December

December 4 - Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos

Mary, upon reaching the age of three, accompanied by her parents, comes to the Jerusalem Temple. Mary's parents, righteous Joachim and Anna, kept their promise to God - to consecrate their daughter to God. A little girl herself climbs the high steps of the Jerusalem Temple and enters the Holy of Holies. She enters into the depths of love, purity, contemplation, silence, which constitute Divine grace. This is where her first experience with God begins. In the church, the Most Holy Lady spends time in prayer and labors, being in purity and chastity. This holiday is also called the beginning of salvation. In the troparion of the feast, it is sung "… in the temple of God, the Virgin appears clearly and he foretells Christ to all." This holiday encourages people to strive for purity of soul and communion with God.

December 6 - Memorial Day of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky

Alexander served as Prince of Novgorod from the age of 15. The neighbors of Novgorod were the Swedes and the Germans, who constantly attacked the Novgorod lands. For the victory over the Swedes in 1240 on the banks of the Neva, Alexander received the nickname Nevsky. The wise rule of the prince, his diplomatic abilities made it possible to protect Russia from new raids of enemies. Prince Alexander proved himself to be a true Christian when, in negotiations with Batu, he refused to bow to pagan idols. Before his death, the Grand Duke took monastic vows with the name Alexy.

December 7 - Memorial Day of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

The saint lived in Alexandria in the 4th century, and was distinguished by her beauty and high education. Wanting to have only a young man equal in merit as her fiancé, she turned to the hermit for advice. The elder taught Catherine the Christian faith. Then she realized that Christ is a youth superior to her in all gifts. After being baptized, Christ appeared to Catherine in a dream and named her his eternal and incorruptible bride, giving her a ring. Tsar Maximian, who was a persecutor of Christians, arranged in Alexandria a contest between 50 learned men and Catherine on matters of faith. Saint Catherine not only prevailed over the sages, but also converted many of them to the Orthodox faith. The king ordered the young maiden to be tortured. Starved her, arranged special wheels to crush her body. But nothing could break the saint's faith. Then the tsar ordered to behead Catherine with a sword.

December 10 - a holiday in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign"

Before this icon, they pray for protection from enemy attacks, from fires, as well as protection from thieves and criminals. Novgorodians in 1170 prayed in front of this icon from the attack of enemies. After the divine sign, the Novgorodians were inspired to fight, and the enemy was attacked by fear and he fled. In memory of this event, a holiday was established, which was called the day of punishment of those fighting against fellow believers. In different parts of Russia, lists of the icon "Sign" became famous: "Tsarskoye Selo", "Korchemnaya", "Solovetskaya".

December 13 - Day of Remembrance of the Apostle of the Twelve Andrew the First-Called

The first of the Savior's disciples, the brother of the Apostle Peter, Saint Anreus, after the resurrection of the Lord preached the Christian faith in many countries. According to legend, he erected a cross on the Kiev land, foreshadowing the future baptism of Russia. At the end of his labors, he went to the city of Patras, where the apostle was martyred.

December 17 - Memorial Day of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara

Daughter of a noble pagan Dioscorus. Considering that none of the simple and ordinary people are unworthy to see the beauty of his daughter, he imprisoned her in a high tower. Barbara herself came to faith, was baptized and decided to devote herself to God. She also persuaded her father to accept the Orthodox faith, but he, in anger, took her to the ruler. Barbara was put to torment, forcing her to renounce Christ and worship idols. The tormentor, seeing that nothing could defeat the saint's patience, condemned her to death. Saint Barbara was beheaded with a sword by the hands of her own father. They pray to her in sorrow and despondency, as well as to repent and receive communion before death.

December 19 - Day of Remembrance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop Myr of Lycia

They pray to Saint Nicholas for chastity and a prosperous marriage of daughters, from drowning in water, with possession by evil spirits and with many diseases. His relics are currently in the Italian city of Bari. Many healings take place at the relics of St. Nicholas.

December 22 - Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary by righteous Anna

Prayer for resolution from sterility, gave Joachim and Anna a female child. This pure virgin - the Most Holy Theotokos - is the beginning of the salvation of the human race. Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ - the Savior of the world.

December 25 - Memorial Day of Saint and Wonderworker Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

The great miracle worker, who, even during his earthly life, became famous for humility, mercy, help to those in trouble, healings of the sick. The future saint was distinguished by his benevolence and emotional responsiveness to the troubles and everyday needs of people. By fulfilling the commandments and constant prayer, the saint acquired the gifts of clairvoyance, casting out demons and healing the sick. They pray to the saint for deliverance from hunger, for success in trade, for a safe housekeeping. The imperishable relics of Saint Spyridon rest on the island of Kerkyra (Corfu Island) Greece.