Architecture is frozen music. This figurative expression is fully confirmed by the work of Alexander Dolsky. The singer-songwriter received a technical education, which did not interfere with him, but, on the contrary, expanded his horizons and erudition.

Starting conditions
Observing experts have long noticed that talented people regularly appear in the Urals. They appear, develop, achieve fame and leave for the capital. Alexander Alexandrovich Dolsky was born on June 7, 1938 in a family of creative intelligentsia. Parents at that time lived in the famous city of Sverdlovsk. My father served as a soloist at the local opera house. Mother, a professional ballerina, taught choreography at a theater school. The boy showed musical abilities from an early age.
Dolsky studied well at school. His favorite subjects were literature and drawing. He spent all his free time at the lessons of the children's choir. At the time when Alexander was 10 years old, he appeared on the stage of the Sverdlovsk Drama Theater as part of a choral group of boys. Such outputs were spelled out in the scripts of the operas Carmen and The Queen of Spades. It is not surprising that the boy became interested in playing the guitar. It would be more accurate to say that he began to persistently learn the technique of playing from his friends in the yard.
Creative way
Having received a certificate of maturity, Dolsky entered the construction department of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Already in his first year, he was invited to join the student vocal and instrumental ensemble. Alexander not only recklessly labored on the guitar, but also composed words for amateur songs. At the same time he mastered the saxophone, double bass, banjo and other instruments. In the same period, the student performed at the regional philharmonic, performing solo melodies on the guitar. Dolsky's poems were regularly published in the institute's large circulation "For Industrial Personnel".
After graduating from the institute, Alexander entered graduate school and the evening department of the music school. He took an active part in various events of the city palace of culture. He performed his songs on television and radio. In 1975, Dolsky moved to Leningrad and began working at the Research Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning. A few years later he was invited to join the troupe of the Theater of Miniatures, which was directed by Arkady Raikin. The city on the Neva inspired many poets. Dolsky was no exception. He wrote and sang a lot. He gave recitals and recorded records.
Recognition and privacy
Alexander Dolsky was known in all corners of the Soviet Union. In those places where the singer-songwriter did not have time to reach, his songs sounded from the records and the TV screen. For his great contribution to the development of culture, Dolskoy was awarded the honorary title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR".
The personal life of the musician and poet has developed well. He entered into legal marriage only once. The husband and wife raised and raised three sons. Today, being in adulthood, Alexander Alexandrovich continues to engage in creativity. Sometimes he performs in group concerts.