Evgeny Kolesov: Biography, Family, Business

Evgeny Kolesov: Biography, Family, Business
Evgeny Kolesov: Biography, Family, Business

Recently, many are starting business with China, and this direction is considered very promising. However, there are people who have been doing this for a long time, and they have become authoritative experts in this field. One of these people is Evgeny Kolesov, a member of the Association of Market Researchers, a successful businessman.

Evgeny Kolesov: biography, family, business
Evgeny Kolesov: biography, family, business

He still has many regalia: he is a member of the Union of Translators of Russia, the Association of Market Researchers, and he also founded the company "Optim Consult International".


Evgeny Kolesov was born in the city of Tommot in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 1980. This city is located close to China, and locals sometimes went to the Middle Kingdom on excursions. Eugene first got there as a teenager. He really liked it there, and even then the boy got the idea that he wanted to stay there for a "longer" period. Moreover, at school he studied Chinese and already knew how to communicate well in it.

After leaving school, he went to Khabarovsk and entered a local university, and then he was lucky to go on an exchange to Harbin, to Northeastern University. Here he improved his knowledge of the language and made an important decision: to go to Moscow to get a law degree. In parallel, he improved the Chinese language, and also studied sociology.

Career in China

Gradually, he became a versatile specialist, and went to China as a representative of a company that supplied construction products to the eastern market. It was not an easy mission, but Kolesov managed to conclude the required number of contracts and establish cooperation with Chinese partners.


He organized these agreements when he was still finishing his postgraduate studies, and after receiving a diploma from Moscow State University, Evgeny moved to China for permanent residence - he began working in a travel company, and immediately as an executive director. He showed high results of work, and was invited to Shenzhen - to export hardware from China to Russia.

Here he realized that both China and Russia needed people who would help him understand how to do business with each other. Therefore, he created the consulting company "Optim Consult International". Very soon she became a market leader, and Kolesov became a celebrity and authority among businessmen from many countries.

A television

Evgeny Kolesov constantly told the Chinese about the Russians, and vice versa. He held many consultations on various issues of cooperation between the two countries, and then decided to start a video blog so that many people get this information.


Later, this blog grew into the TV show "The Discovery of China with Evgeny Kolesov", which became very popular. And then Evgeny also decided to write a book called "The Chinese". The book is written in the genre of a spy novel.

Personal life

Evgeny Kolesov is a happy husband and a father with many children: his wife Tatyana gave birth to five children. They met in China when Tatiana came to Guangzhou to work. In 2016, the businessman moved his family to Moscow.