Mysterious Planet: Kashkulak Cave

Mysterious Planet: Kashkulak Cave
Mysterious Planet: Kashkulak Cave

The mysterious cave is reputed to be a cursed place. Even close to it, local residents are afraid to approach. The black hole is considered the entrance to the afterlife. He can draw unwary travelers into his blackness. Then no one can save them.

Mysterious planet: Kashkulak cave
Mysterious planet: Kashkulak cave

According to an old legend, a river called the Golden Stream once flowed next to the mountain. The ancient tribes believed that the souls of the dead went along it on their last journey, shamans performed their rites of farewell and seeing off to the afterlife. So the belief was born that the dark cave at the foot of the mountain is the gateway to another world.

Fairy tales and reality

For many years, travelers who wandered here disappeared. It was not possible to find their remains. Therefore, the local residents were convinced that the poor people went inside and ended up in the afterlife. They did not manage to find a way out from there.

The Kashkulak cave is located in Khakassia, in the spurs of the Alatau. The name translates as "cave of the black devil". It was here that sacrifices were made many years ago. And, although centuries have passed, to this day this place retains an unkind reputation for itself,

The cave consists of 3 tiers connected to each other by vertical wells. Its depth is 49 m, and its total length is 820 m. The depth of each well is approximately 20 m.

Mysterious planet: Kashkulak cave
Mysterious planet: Kashkulak cave

Dozens of scientific expeditions conducted research here. Many participants reported that when they were in the cave, they were suddenly overcome with fear. The state reached the point that it was necessary to hastily leave the place of study of the finds. The people who got out could not clearly explain what happened to them.

Anomaly from the point of view of science

Local legends say that in the darkest corner lives the keeper of the place - the shaman. They represented him in the form of an ugly old man in a hoodie. He penetrates into the sleep of those who dared to disturb his peace and calls for him, threatening punishment.

There are many examples of such visits, but not a single night visit is supported by facts. There are suggestions that panic, headache attacks, increased blood pressure and hallucinations in people are caused by being in a confined space.

There is only one "but": for some reason, the visions of all eyewitnesses are the same. And because of the unpleasant sensations, it has not yet been possible to go further into the cave for several meters.

Mysterious planet: Kashkulak cave
Mysterious planet: Kashkulak cave

They tried to explain the phenomenon from a scientific point of view. So, special devices have proven the change in the magnetic background when the researchers are in the anomalous zone. Impulses are recorded regularly.

Hypotheses and theories

The amplitude is always the same between the signals. Not only that, but at a great distance from the entrance, the electronics simply stop working. It was not possible to find the source for a long time. Only recently it became clear that he was in the depths of the mountain.

Some scientists believe that their origin is artificial, others insist on natural. Although, everyone agrees that this is most likely a radio beacon. Only it is not clear to whom the signals given to them are addressed.

It has also been noticed that when the signals are broadcast, a state close to panic begins in people and a feeling of fear appears. But signals are heard only when people and animals are inside.

Mysterious planet: Kashkulak cave
Mysterious planet: Kashkulak cave

It was possible to confirm that the state of horror covers animals as well. Not a single researcher could explain this fact scientifically. According to some assumptions, with the appearance of impulses, a person turns into a kind of catalyst. As if the space itself is alive and reacts to the appearance of intruders.