Mysterious Planet: The Silver Wells Of Syria

Mysterious Planet: The Silver Wells Of Syria
Mysterious Planet: The Silver Wells Of Syria

Modern science is unable to explain many of the mysteries of Syria. Among such secrets are amazing drawings stretching for many kilometers, which can be seen only from a great height, and an analogue of Stonehenge, whose age is estimated at more than 10 millennia. Silver wells are called one of the mysterious places in Syria.

Mysterious planet: the silver wells of Syria
Mysterious planet: the silver wells of Syria

The landmark is located in the desert, in the ruins that remained on the site of the small town of Resof. The fame of the wells, which have probably existed for more than one century, brought them anomalies. Information about the amazing area has appeared recently, but apart from hypotheses, scientists can not offer anything yet.

Mystical place

Found 4 wells located close to each other. It is assumed that all the reservoirs are connected between the singular. Local residents know many mystical legends associated with this area. Wells are like vertical tunnels. It is not known whether there was previously water in the reservoirs, but at present it is definitely not left in any of them.

The depth is also unknown, and no one dares to descend. Locals say that a stone thrown into a well takes at least 15 seconds to fall to the bottom, so the depth is impressive. Probably, scientists will still be able to organize an expedition.

A special place is endowed with healing properties. A container with dirty water, lowered down for the night, stretched up in the morning, becomes clean, transparent and very tasty. Use such a transformed liquid to treat any disease. In any case, the inhabitants of the country do not doubt this, considering the liquid miraculous.

Mysterious planet: the silver wells of Syria
Mysterious planet: the silver wells of Syria


It is believed that the whole point is in the properties of the soil of a special variety. It is thanks to them that the water changes so impressively. However, no one disputes that wells have bactericidal properties. The name silver confirms this hypothesis: this metal has long been famous for its ability to destroy bacteria.

According to another theory, the wells were called silver because of the special, silvery, ebb of the walls. According to legend, wells were built by silver people, and they gave rise to the appearance of such a name for the reservoirs.

However, who were these mysterious creatures-builders, they talk about which from generation to generation and remains a mystery. They look like aliens or they were still creatures wearing silver clothes. Rumor has it that the mysterious builders were some higher powers or their representatives.

Mysterious planet: the silver wells of Syria
Mysterious planet: the silver wells of Syria

Secrets waiting to be solved

There is no explanation or other secret. Several centuries ago, a highly developed civilization lived in an abandoned area, the memories of which remained only in the form of ruins.

But it was not possible to find out what made all the residents leave their acquired property and the city and leave. There are several places similar to an abandoned city.

Mysterious wells are included in the TOP-10 of the most mysterious places on the planet.

Mysterious planet: the silver wells of Syria
Mysterious planet: the silver wells of Syria

Nothing is probably said about their origin, there are only hypotheses.