What Is The Difference Between Residential Address And Registration Address

What Is The Difference Between Residential Address And Registration Address
What Is The Difference Between Residential Address And Registration Address

Today people are highly mobile: in order to move from one city to another, a modern person sometimes needs a few days. Therefore, the address of residence and the address of registration for such a person may differ.

What is the difference between residential address and registration address
What is the difference between residential address and registration address

Registration address

In the Russian Federation, the concept of permanent registration at the place of residence is in force, which for the citizen himself is a stamp in the passport with the address of permanent residence. Also, permanent registration is sometimes called a residence permit, and in order to obtain it, you must contact the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service with the appropriate application and documents confirming the right to reside at this address.

From a legal point of view, registration at the place of residence is a notification from the state that a given person permanently resides at a certain address. Moreover, if a person lives at the address that is the place of his permanent registration, we can say that his registration address and residence address are the same. In turn, it is this situation that underlies the state planning system, which makes it possible to create the required number of schools, kindergartens, launch the required number of public transport units and form other infrastructure necessary for the normal functioning of the settlement.

In this regard, registration at the place of residence is mandatory, and a citizen may be fined for living without registration. In accordance with article 19.15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the amount of such a fine can range from 2 to 3 thousand rubles.

Residence address

However, such a rule does not mean that a person should be removed from registration and receive a new registration stamp every time he leaves home. The current legislation of the Russian Federation allows a citizen to stay in another locality for a period of up to 90 days, during which he does not need to register at a new address.

If the stay in a new place has been delayed, in order to avoid conflicts with the law, it makes sense to issue a so-called temporary registration, which is also called registration at the place of stay. It is necessary if the citizen's permanent registration address and the address of his actual place of residence do not coincide. To obtain it, you also need to contact the territorial office of the FMS, providing documents confirming the existence of grounds for obtaining temporary registration, for example, such a basis can be a rental agreement.

Thus, if the address of your actual residence differs from the address of permanent registration, you should register at the place of stay. In addition to the absence of difficulties in communicating with the inspection authorities, it will make it possible to use the social infrastructure of the settlement where you live, for example, to visit the clinic.

Theoretically, it is possible to live at the place of temporary stay without any documents: often people do this, leaving to work in other regions and keeping the address of permanent registration in their hometown. However, such a situation can create a lot of problems for a person who has no legal basis for living in a new place.