Yuri Berg: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Yuri Berg: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Yuri Berg: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

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Yuri Berg is the governor of the Orsk region, a successful businessman and an exemplary family man. Even in his youth, he began to engage in entrepreneurial activity, which helped him get closer to the activities of the Orsk administration. During his life, Yuri Alexandrovich changed quite a few professions, but only in the political sphere he was able to find himself. That is why Berg has been leading its region for many years, successfully solving social, economic and industrial issues.

Yuri Berg: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Yuri Berg: biography, creativity, career, personal life


Yuri Berg was born into a family of civil servants on August 3, 1953. Until 1961, the boy lived in the small village of Nyrob, which is located in the Perm region. Despite his German roots, Yuri was always brought up only in Russian traditions, instilling love for his native culture, nature, history. A little later, the family had to move to Orsk. It was there that the boy first went to school, where he always studied well. In high school, Yuri developed a passionate desire to become a sailor, so after finishing the 9th grade, he entered the nautical school in Astrakhan. After studying his specialty, Berg received a diploma, which opened a direct path for him to long voyages. However, by that time, the young man had already lost interest in this childhood dream, leaving it in the past. He decided to continue his studies at the Orenburg Pedagogical Institute.


Later, Yuri Berg also received a quality education in the economic field. In his youth, he wanted to acquire as much knowledge as possible from different areas of life, so that later they could be easily applied in his practical activities. Simultaneously with his studies in educational institutions, Yuri often worked in a variety of industries, which allowed him to get acquainted with the internal specifics of the work of various professions. He managed to work as a teacher, a handyman, and a school director. But all this did not bring true pleasure to Berg, so he continued to search for his true destiny all the time.


When the Soviet Union collapsed, Berg decided to plunge into business, because this field of activity at that time brought good income. Work in budgetary institutions, on the contrary, was practically not paid and was depreciated. In 1997, he became the head of the successful insurance organization Orsk ASKO, and then moved to Orsk-Service LTD, where he served as CEO. But even in this place, Berg did not last long, because he constantly wanted to try himself in new areas of business. The next stage in Yury Aleksandrovich's business career was the position of Deputy Director in the OrskInterSvyaz organization.


Political management has always interested Yuri Alexandrovich. He always dreamed of contributing to the development of his native land. For a long time, Berg took part in the affairs of the Orsk administration, studying the process of state administration, as well as solving important social issues. All this helped him become deputy head.

Yuri Berg's career began to go up in 2005. It was at this time that he took part in the elections for the head of Orsk. Having received the largest number of electoral votes, Berg takes office and immediately begins to work on the development of the region. In 2010, Vladimir Putin appointed Yuri Alexandrovich as the regional governor. Throughout the entire management, Yuri Alexandrovich tried to solve important social problems, took care of the industrial development of Orsk, and was engaged in environmental activities.


However, in 2017, some citizens of the region nevertheless expressed their dissatisfaction with Berg's policies. People's rallies were organized, at which the residents of Orsk opposed the reduction of employees at enterprises and the reduction of the working day in children's institutions. It even got to the point that people prepared a petition against Yuri Berg and intended to remove him from his post. But Yuri Alexandrovich quickly figured out this situation. He put together a briefing to which he personally invited the protesters as part of their initiative group. At this meeting, a compromise was found, consisting in the optimization of the work of schools and kindergartens.


Governor Yuri Berg has his own electronic blog in which the politician talks about the life of the region, original solutions to various urban problems, and also shares photos from events, meetings, conferences. In such a creative "diary" the governor talks about the dedication of city libraries, educational and charitable organizations, and medical institutions.


Personal life

Berg tells reporters little about his personal life, believing that it should always remain a secret. He rarely posts photos with his family and friends, unwilling to show off family heirlooms to the general public.

Nevertheless, it is known that Yuri Berg has a wife. He met Lyubov Fedorovna many years ago. Together with her, he began to climb the career ladder. His wife always supports Yuri Alexandrovich, helps to solve political issues. In addition, she also leads the city's women's movement and the Association of Community Organizations.


The happy couple have two sons who have matured a long time ago. Sergei Yuryevich, being the eldest son, has always strived to receive a quality education and all-round development. Later, this helped him become the general director at CJSC Silicate Plant, as well as deputy director at a construction corporation. The youngest son, Alexander Yuryevich, now owns the TekhIzol plant, which manufactures materials for the roof.

In addition, the Governor of Orsk has three grandchildren. Yuri Alexandrovich very often meets with them, pays great attention to their upbringing.
