Who Is She, Sonya -Gold Handle?

Who Is She, Sonya -Gold Handle?
Who Is She, Sonya -Gold Handle?

Sofia Ivanovna Bluestein (maiden name Solomoniak) is a legendary Russian adventurer and criminal of Jewish origin, also known as "Sonya - the Golden Hand".

Who is she, Sonya -Gold handle?
Who is she, Sonya -Gold handle?

Her name evoked respect even among inveterate criminals. The police of European countries were looking for her. According to legend, the gang, which was headed by herself, consisted exclusively of her former spouses. Sofia Ivanovna was born in Poland, she knew six languages almost perfectly, had a good ear for music and aristocratic manners. After all, it was not for nothing that she was taken for an important person.

What was she like, Sonya - Golden Pen? According to eyewitnesses, she did not differ in external beauty. At the same time, Sonya was small in stature, also the skin of this woman had some imperfections, an ugly wart flaunted on her right cheek. But Sura (her real name) had the unique ability to hypnotize people with her eyes.

Therefore, the image of the Golden Hand itself is, one might say, mystical. The men who met on her way were literally hypnotized by Sonya's gaze and fulfilled all the whims of this woman. It is interesting that she did not touch the poor, she robbed the big bankers, also rich jewelers and drunk merchants who were playing. In addition, Sonya founded the first gangster "common fund". So, she wanted to help her comrades in need who were in trouble.

In the 1860s and 70s, this criminal was engaged in theft in large Russian cities, and then in Europe. She was often detained by the police of different countries, but without serious consequences. In general, Sonya's fate is tragic. She was betrayed and handed over to justice by the lover of the Golden Hand, the young thief Vladimir Kochubchik, whom she loved very much.

Sofya Ivanovna Bluestein (Sheindle-Sure Solomoniak) is the only woman in criminal Russia who spent 3 years on Sakhalin Island in a solitary confinement cell. In addition, she was shackled both on her arms and legs. Her lover Volodya Kochubchik, who betrayed her, was released immediately six months after the verdict of the court and moved to Bessarabia, where he invested his accumulated money during an affair with the Golden Pen in vineyards and houses.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were rumors about her escape and a figurehead who served hard labor for her. According to one version, in Soviet times, the elderly Golden Handle was seen either in Moscow or in Odessa. According to the death certificate, Sofya Ivanovna died of a common cold in 1902. In Moscow there is a monument dedicated to Sonya - the Golden Hand.