Natalia Pravdina's books won the hearts of many women. This writer knows how to win over herself from the very first lines of her work. She even addresses her readers as friends. Natalya Pravdina brings the laws of the Universe to people and teaches how to use them correctly for the good and for their families.

Positive thinking
This phrase is familiar to almost everyone, but not everyone can use it correctly. People react differently to problem situations. Some, with the next life crisis, fall into a long depression, complain about their fate and wring their hands in despair. Others understand that any situation teaches them and provides some kind of experience. They try not to dwell on what happened, but move on, and quite quickly overcome the black streak in their lives. By treating difficulties in this way, they make life much easier for themselves and their families. Natalya Pravdina in her books gives advice on how to properly tune oneself for good luck, abundance, love, how to attract the right people into life with the help of positive thoughts and affirmations. Using the author's recommendations, people's lives are gradually transforming or even changing dramatically. In any book by Natalia, you can familiarize yourself with some of the letters that come to her from grateful readers.
Natalia Pravdina recommends using affirmations constantly. For example, you can attract money by repeating "Money comes to me all the time."
Natalya Pravdina recommends doing these oriental practices daily. In her books, she cites a lot of meditations that her readers can easily perform. The oriental practices given in Natalia's books will help you relax and tune in to a positive mood.
While doing your meditations, turn on beautiful music, light scented candles or incense. These attributes will help you completely relax.
The author acquaints readers with mantras. Natalia talks about Ganesha, Lakshmi and other eastern deities. Explains how to properly contact them for help, in what cases.
Magic rites
The author introduces his readers to the ancient rituals of attracting money, luck, love. Our ancestors tested their effect. A modern person can also actively use rituals to improve his life.
Feng Shui
Natalia Pravdina is one of the most famous feng shui masters. In her books, she gives a lot of advice that is suitable for both beginners and people with significant experience in this direction. In past centuries, this oriental art was available only to royalty. Feng Shui masters were sometimes even executed so that their knowledge would not go beyond the palaces. In the last decade, masters have begun to reveal the principles of this art. Now, with the help of Feng Shui, everyone can change their lives.