How Much Will The Pension Increase For Military Pensioners

How Much Will The Pension Increase For Military Pensioners
How Much Will The Pension Increase For Military Pensioners

At the end of 2011, the Government of the Russian Federation prepared a decree that sets the rates and percentage allowances for the pensions of military pensioners. Resolution No. 1237 entered into force in January 2012. When calculating pensions for military personnel, the provisions of the Federal Law "On monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of separate payments to them", signed on November 7, 2011, are used.

How much will the pension increase for military pensioners
How much will the pension increase for military pensioners

The decree determines the size of the so-called "northern" allowances. This concept includes surcharges for difficult conditions of service not only in the northern regions of Russia, but also in all others equated to them. Those military pensioners who served in desert and high-mountain areas with poor ecology, climate and natural conditions also have the right to such an increase. The multiplying factor is also used for military personnel from duty stations in remote and waterless areas.

Almost the entire territory of the Russian Federation falls under this definition, with the exception, perhaps, only of the western and southern coastal regions. When calculating allowances, regional coefficients are applied. Their magnitude is directly proportional to the impact of the environment on human health. Their size ranges from 1, 1 to 2 in increments of 0.05.

Since 2012, a reduction factor has been introduced into the calculation of the pension of military personnel for the base on which accruals are made. It amounted to 54% of the salary for a military position or rank, a bonus for length of service. In the previous procedure for determining the size of the pension, a coefficient of 50% was used for the first 20 years of military service. Then it increased annually by 3% and was limited to 85%. Now the decreasing coefficient will increase by 2% annually, which in reality will increase the pension by 3.7%.

Thus, according to the new law and resolution, the average pension of servicemen, together with allowances, increased from 10,558 to 16,953 rubles. At the same time, its size will be indexed twice a year. Once from January 1, the decreasing coefficient will increase, and the second time, in the middle of the year, the pension and all allowances will be indexed in accordance with the inflation coefficient.

How much the increase to the pension of military pensioners will be depends on their length of service, their official salary and the amount of all allowances until 2002, as well as on the amount of insurance premiums paid to extra-budgetary funds after that date.
