Preventive Measures: Concept And Scope

Preventive Measures: Concept And Scope
Preventive Measures: Concept And Scope

Prevention is the prevention of something bad, dangerous, and negative. Preventive measures are applied in all areas of life, but not everyone perceives them correctly, seeing a threat in themselves, and this happens due to a lack of knowledge about the concept, its scope.

Preventive measures: concept and scope
Preventive measures: concept and scope

The concept of "preventive measures" has entered the life of Russians not so long ago, and in a somewhat negative light. This term is often used in stories about the removal of children from families. In fact, prevention is more than that. The concept covers all spheres of human life, and such actions are aimed precisely at improving the quality of existence of each of us, preventing something dangerous, directed against us.

What does the concept of "preventive measures" mean?

Prevention is a warning expressed in measures taken to prevent any events, acts, aggression. They are regulated by legislation, including international law, and are described in the Constitutions of states and in the UN Charter. Based on the relevant article, the UN leadership can decide on one of the ways to solve the problem:

  • complete or partial termination of economic interaction with the source of danger,
  • termination of any transport connection with a state that has come under preventive measures,
  • severing diplomatic relations with the withdrawal of diplomatic missions or limiting this type of interaction,
  • the use of armed forces to eliminate the risk of developing a dangerous situation.

Decisions on the application of preventive measures in any area of human or human life can be made only by a collegial commission. An official or department in one person does not have the right to appeal with such strict, and sometimes drastic, cardinal measures, which include prevention.

Areas of application of preventive measures

Preventive measures are divided into several categories - population, individual, group, state and international. Each of the categories has a specific purpose, for example, population preventive measures are taken against a nationality, a settlement, and state ones operate on the territory of one country, do not affect the interests of neighboring countries. Any of them can be applied in the following areas:

  • insurance,
  • guardianship and protection of childhood,
  • state security,
  • economy,
  • education,
  • ecology,
  • medicine and others.

Preventive measures can be of any nature - from the popular nowadays flash mobs, to lectures and conversations with the public, newsletter in any way - mailings, SMS notifications, loudspeakers.

It is necessary to perceive preventive measures correctly - not to oppose them or ignore them. It is very important to understand that their goal is the benefit, protection and prevention of danger, that is, care about maintaining the quality of life and life of each of us as a whole.