Rixen Fernando: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Rixen Fernando: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Rixen Fernando: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Fernando Rixen was a world-class famous footballer during his lifetime. On account of his participation in dozens of football clubs, including Russian ones. The athlete has become the owner of many titles and awards in sports.

Rixen Fernando: biography, career, personal life
Rixen Fernando: biography, career, personal life


The homeland of the future athlete is the Netherlands, the city of Heerlen. He was born in July in the mid-70s of the last century. From childhood, the boy had an addiction to active sports: football, running, swimming. Five years after his birth, Fernando began to attend the sports football section.

Career in football

At the age of 17, the guy was offered his first professional-level contract, the player was transferred to the senior squad. From the very beginning of his career, Ricksen preferred a more defensive style of play, his favorite and main role has always been that of a midfielder. In his first team, the guy played for exactly 5 years, over the past hundred matches he managed to become the initiator of dozens of hits and the owner of five personal goals.


In the late 90s, Fernando was forced to leave his native football team due to the commercial necessity of exchanging players. He was transferred to the Dutch club Alkmaar Zaanstreek. In the new team, the guy's successes were not long in coming: after a hundred matches, his scores on goals scored doubled in comparison with the early performance.


Almost at the very peak of Ricksen's career, in 2008, the footballer's organization decides to transfer him to the Russian football club Zenit. He immediately agreed, most likely it was the proposed fee. Fernando has always been a very sought-after player, and his value was expressed in more than twenty million dollars.


Playing in the Russian squad, he unexpectedly for all football fans began to show himself over and over again as an aggressive player. If Fernando participated in the match, it means that almost always there was some kind of scuffle between the players.

One of the most famous conflicts occurred between players of the same team: Ricksen became the instigator of a fight with the captain of his own team. The organization of the football club "hushed up" the incident, but a similar scuffle between the players happened just a few weeks later.


Despite this behavior, the Dutch player showed excellent results on the playing field. Only thanks to this factor Fernando continued to play for Zenit for another 2 years. Over time, he left Russia and returned to his native country in order to play in his very first football team. The collaboration continued for 3 years, then Riksen publicly spoke about the completion of his sports career.

Personal life

Fernando found the love of his life during his performances in the Russian football team. She became a Russian girl Veronica, later they got married. A year after the athlete left Russia with his wife, their child was born - a daughter named Isabella.


As soon as Ricksen announced that he no longer plans to play on the world football stage, he publicly spoke about his incurable disease. He was struck by paralysis, which only intensified over the years. By 2019, the illness reached almost its maximum effect, the former footballer could not withstand such a load, his life ended in September.