Vladimir Samoilov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Vladimir Samoilov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Vladimir Samoilov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

The famous actor Vladimir Samoilov dreamed of some unusual profession as a child. At first, he wanted to connect his fate with an argument, but later he nevertheless came to the decision to choose art. Already at school, the future actor began to attend a drama club. However, a war stood on the way to his cherished dream of a stage.

Actor Vladimir Samoilov
Actor Vladimir Samoilov

Vladimir Samoilov is one of the few domestic actors whose fate could become the material for a whole fiction book. This talented man had everything in his life - theater and cinema, country childhood, war and peace.


Biographers know practically nothing about Vladimir's childhood years. The actor was born in a small village Egorovka near Odessa on 1924-15-03. His mother was engaged in raising children and housekeeping, and his father worked as a mechanic on a ship and often went on long voyages.

For some time after the birth of Vladimir, his family continued to live in Egorovka, and then moved to Odessa. According to the recollections of friends, already in childhood, the future idol of thousands of Soviet people was distinguished by purposefulness, tremendous temperament and healthy stubbornness.

Vladimir graduated from high school in 1941. Like many of his peers, immediately after receiving a certificate, the future actor went to the front. In the common struggle of the Soviet people against the Nazi troops, Samoilov showed himself just fine and was awarded by the government with several orders.

In one of the battles with the Nazis, Vladimir was seriously wounded and ended up in the hospital. The consequences of this injury subsequently made themselves felt to him all his life - the actor was left with a slight limp.

Immediately after the end of the war, Vladimir entered the Odessa Theater School. The active and purposeful character of the young man, of course, fully manifested itself here. Vladimir studied perfectly well and began performing on stage in front of the audience long before he was awarded a diploma of acting education.


Theatrical creativity

Immediately after graduating from college, Vladimir got a job at the theater of the Soviet Army in the city of Odessa. From the best side, the actor almost immediately showed himself here. Despite the fact that he did not yet have too much experience, his performances began to collect real sold out.

Ultimately, the rising star was noticed by the management of several other prestigious theaters. Over the next years, Samoilov spoke:

  • at the Odessa Drama Theater. Ivanova;
  • Kemerovo im. Lunacharsky;
  • Gorky regional.

During the tour of the Gorky Theater across the country in 1968, the already experienced actor became a real sensation in the production of Shakespeare's play in the role of King Richard III. After this performance, Vladimir was invited to join his troupe at once by several theaters of Leningrad and Moscow.

Vladimir chose in the end the Moscow Art Theater. Mayakovsky, where he later worked for most of his life. On the stage of this theater, the actor took part in many productions, including Conversations with Socrates and Talents and Admirers, which have gone down in the history of the Russian stage. Only in 1992 the actor changed his place of work and became a member of the troupe of the theater. Gogol.

In total, over his entire acting career, Vladimir Samoilov presented about 250 roles to the public, the best of which were:

  • Copernicus;
  • Ivan Velikatov;
  • Fedor Kharitonov;
  • Alexander Gorchakov;
  • Ermolaev.

Film career

Samoilov began acting in films long before he became a member of the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater Mayakovsky. For the first time on the screens, he appeared in 1959 in the film "Unpaid Debt". Subsequently, the actor starred in such well-known films as:

  • "Sixth of July";
  • "The stars don't go out";
  • “Twenty-six Baku commissars”.

The most memorable role of Samoilov for the Soviet film public was the image he created for the commander of Nazar Duma in The Wedding in Malinovka.

In the 90s, many famous Soviet actors experienced difficulties getting roles and, in order to make ends meet, were even forced to change their occupation. However, Vladimir Samoilov was in demand even at this difficult time for the country. In the 90s, he starred in the films "A Visit to the Minotaur" and "Children of Bitch", and also participated in many theatrical performances.


Film critics believe that best of all Vladimir Samoilov throughout his life succeeded in the role of authoritative military and police officials. Moreover, the actor played both negative and positive characters equally well.

The last role of the great actor Vladimir Samoilov was the image of King Lear in the comedy of the same name by Shakespeare. Death overtook the idol of millions of Russians suddenly - during a rehearsal on the stage of the theater in 1999 at the age of 75.

Family and Children

Vladimir Samoilov met his future wife while still at the Gorky Theater. His wife Tatiana at that time was considered the leading actress here. However, when Vladimir was invited to work in Moscow, his wife, without hesitation, left all her roles and went after him to Moscow.

Unlike her husband, in the capital of the USSR, the theatrical fate of Tatyana Samoilova did not work out. But, although the actor himself felt guilty and repeatedly asked his wife for forgiveness for an unfinished career, she did not say a single word of reproach to her husband in her entire life. Tatiana Samoilova loved her husband very much and tried with all her might to maintain home comfort for him.

The son of Vladimir and Tatiana Samoilov, Alexander followed in the footsteps of his parents and also became an actor. At first he was a member of the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater. Ostrovsky, and later, like his father, went to work at the Moscow Art Theater. Mayakovsky. Viewers Alexander Samoilov is known for the films "Sicilian Defense", "Fight at the Crossroads", "Women's Logic", "Two Fates".
