How To Organize An Alumni Meeting

How To Organize An Alumni Meeting
How To Organize An Alumni Meeting

Table of contents:


Annual meetings with alumni have become traditional in our country. And every time I want to make this holiday interesting and unforgettable. This business is always troublesome and responsible. You really want the guests to say: “Thank you! We will never forget this holiday!"

How to organize an alumni meeting
How to organize an alumni meeting


Step 1

Pick a name. It can be traditional - "An evening of school friends." Or, depending on the form and original idea, it may have the name “Meeting of Generations”, “Meeting of School Families”, “All the Works are Good, Choose Your Taste”, “So We Met”, “Once 20 Years Later”, “Under the Sign of the Zodiac ". Think over the form of the event. It can be travel in time and space, by train, ship, plane; teleconference, telecast ("Field of Miracles", "What? Where? When?", "Let them talk"), quizzes between generations, meetings in the living room, theatrical performance.

Step 2

Post ads. If necessary and possible, use the school website on the Internet, a local newspaper and invite the people you need according to the script. You may need to convince them to attend the event. Make the invitations yourself, showing your imagination and ingenuity.

Step 3

Write a script. It should be interesting, intense, fun, but not very long. It is difficult to keep the attention of a large audience, so 1, 5 hours is the best option. There are no ready-made recipes for writing a script, and there cannot be, but the main components can be distinguished:

- Opening. Welcome guests.

- Main part. Interviews, dialogues, amateur performances, games, scenes, sideshows.

- Closing.

Step 4

Approximate questions for interviews with senior alumni:

- Imagine that a young replenishment has come to your shop. How would you like to see him?

- There is an opinion that as soon as a person begins to realize himself in the world, he begins to dream about his future profession. And who and since what years have you dreamed of becoming?

- “About the times! O manners!”Exclaimed Cicero. Time changes both manners and dreams. The boys of the distant thirties dreamed of becoming korchagins and chapaevs. Decades later - as pilots and astronauts. What do you think young people dream of being today? This is normal?

- Popular wisdom says: "If you built a house, planted a tree and raised a son, you did not live your life in vain." Life is far from being lived. There are so many achievements ahead. But what have you already done?

Step 5

Approximate questions for the guys in the latest release:

- Six months of independent life. Have you felt the wind of change in yourself? What new have you discovered in life, in people, in yourself?

- Student life is not only lectures, tests, exams. And what else?

- Hunters have stories about such a bear, fishermen have stories about such a fish. What stories do the students have?

Step 6

Decorate the assembly hall colorfully. To do this, use balloons, posters purchased and made by children, wall newspapers dedicated to graduation classes. Timed an exhibition of children's crafts to coincide with this event. Use episode photos, if available.

Step 7

Sometimes it happens that souvenirs are needed. Prepare them in advance. It would be easier to buy. But where does the school get the money? Do them with the guys yourself. From paper, from fabric, from natural materials, from salt dough. You can use the capabilities of computer technology.

Step 8

Get a Book of Honor for your guests. It can be one for all meetings, or it can be separate for each holiday. Take photos, they will be useful to you for registration next year.
