The work of a scout at all times is associated with the risk of being killed or falling into the hands of a potential enemy. Andrey Petrovich Devyatov survived and continues to act for the good of his Motherland.

short biography
In open sources of information it is reported that Andrei Petrovich Devyatov was born on May 13, 1952 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents lived at that time in Moscow. Father worked on the railroad, mother was a housewife. The child was brought up according to generally accepted rules - to respect the elders and not offend the weak. The boy showed independence from a young age. He helped the elders around the house and did not upset with bad behavior. Like most children of the post-war generation, he dreamed of becoming a military man.
The biography of the intelligence officer Devyatov could have developed differently. Andrei studied well at school. Thanks to his tenacious memory and sharp mind, he perfectly mastered a foreign language and exact sciences. He was physically developed and distinguished by observation. He saw with his own eyes how his peers live, what they dream of and what goals they strive for. He was respected among his classmates. When the time came to choose a profession, the young man decided to enter the institute of military translators.

Invisible front
In 1971, having received a certificate of maturity, Devyatov successfully passed the tests and was enrolled in the Military Institute of Foreign Languages. Baptism of fire, in the literal sense of the word, Andrei received as a third-year student. The training program for specialists at the institute provided for regular internships in real conditions. The future colonel was enlisted in the crew of a transport plane as an interpreter. The plane was flying from Sevastopol to Damascus when the start of the Arab-Israeli conflict was announced. The plane miraculously "dodged" the missiles thanks to the clear commands of Devyatov, which he translated from English for the crew.
For participation in this flight, Andrey Petrovich was awarded the medal "For Military Merit". Since 1976, having received his education, the young lieutenant was enlisted in the staff of the Main Intelligence Directorate. The scout's career began with a business trip to the territory of the PRC. By the nature of his work, Devyatov oversaw the cooperation of Chinese and Soviet specialists in the space and nuclear industries. High-quality training and creativity on the spot allowed the scout to keep the situation under control.
Private procedures
Devyatov went to Chinese territory three times with important missions and under different cover. After retirement, Andrei Petrovich lived in China for several years and was engaged in business as a private person. He was involved in the supply of famous Chinese porcelain products to the Russian market. After the final return to his native land, he is actively working in public organizations. Lectures and writes books that are in demand among readers.
There is very little information about the intelligence officer's personal life. It is known that the husband and wife lived together in China. What was the basis of the relationship - love or call of duty, one can only guess.