How The Slavs Lived

How The Slavs Lived
How The Slavs Lived

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The life of the Slavs of the past arouses genuine interest not only among their direct descendants, but also among representatives of other cultures. The life of our ancestors is attractive and very mysterious in its own way.

How the Slavs lived
How the Slavs lived


Step 1

Inhabitants of forests and meadows

The Slavs began to settle from the territory of the Carpathian region and the upper reaches of the Dniester, along the Danube, Dniester, Vistula, Elbe, Volga and Oka. Mountains and steppes were not of interest to our ancestors, so they settled next to flat rivers - they cut down forests, built dwellings in meadows. This factor significantly influenced the formation of the way of life and even the character of the Slavic ethnos.

Our ancestors were engaged in fishing, hunting for wild boars, bears and elk. They collected berries and mushrooms. A little later, the Slavs began to grow cultivated plants suitable for food and weaving in the felled areas.

Step 2

A close-knit people

The ancient Slavs did everything together - they burned the forest with the whole village, fertilized the soil with ash, plowed the land. Everyone worked diligently, laziness was not encouraged. The older men enjoyed particular respect.

Step 3

Simple life

The life of the Slavs was not distinguished by special sophistication. Our ancestors had their dwelling partly in the ground. The roofs were thatched. During cold weather and rains, the window openings were covered with boards. There were wooden benches and tables in the house, a stove made of stones and clay. The Slavs often slept on armfuls of hay, over which animal skins were laid. The dishes were all also made of clay. The clothes were worn from linen. The dwelling was heated in black. Smoke was coming out of the windows. To keep the house warm, the doorways were low.

Step 4

Settlement of villages

In the early period, when the inhabitants of neighboring villages often clashed with each other, the Slavs surrounded their villages with earthen ditches, deep ditches and palisades of poles. They tried to locate settlements in those places where protection was natural - on hills surrounded by rivers.

Step 5

Fantastic world of the Slavs

Our ancestors animated the natural elements - wind and rivers, sun and earth. The Slavs believed that mermaids and mermaids lived in the water, goblin in the forest, and brownies in houses. The ancestors treated the spirits with caution and respect. On holidays they burned fires, sang songs and danced in circles.
