Spiegel Grigory Oizerovich: A Short Biography

Spiegel Grigory Oizerovich: A Short Biography
Spiegel Grigory Oizerovich: A Short Biography

The incomparable king of the episode - this is how critics of the theater and cinema actor Grigory Shpigel called their time. However, in the memory of the audience, he remained a bright, extraordinary and gifted person.

Grigory Shpigel
Grigory Shpigel

A distant start

Honored Artist of Russia Grigory Oizerovich Spiegel was born on July 24, 1914 in the family of a small businessman. Parents at that time lived in the famous city of Samara. My father worked in an artel producing textile materials. The mother was in charge of the household.

Grigory studied well at school. He actively participated in amateur performances. He sang pioneer songs with his sonorous voice. His favorite subjects were literature and biology. In 1929, the Spiegel family moved to Leningrad. My father got a job at the Lenbytkraska factory. A year later, my son also came here when he turned sixteen. The future actor worked here for almost five years and acquired the specialty of pleating. He saved up some money and left for the capital in 1935 to enter the acting school at Mosfilm.

Professional activity

About three years before the war, Spiegel began to be invited to shoot a movie. It is important to note that Gregory had an extremely high voice - an altino tenor. This physiological feature largely determined the direction of his work. Among the characters he had to play were pampered intellectuals, crooks, foreigners, Wehrmacht officers. Viewers often found it difficult to determine who was speaking - a man or a woman. Gregory used his abilities when it was necessary to prank a friend on the phone.

Having received a specialized education, Spiegel came to work in the theater-studio of a film actor and did not take his work book until his death. He did not get the main roles very often, but he had to play in the episodes regularly. In the famous comedy "The Diamond Arm" Grigory Oyzerovich played a cameo role. He played so convincingly that his conversation on abracadabra was copied for a long time by the boys after watching the picture.

Private side

The actor began his stage career in the theater. This is his first love. Meticulous accountants have calculated that Grigory Shpigel starred in sixty films. In addition, he worked a lot on scoring and dubbing pictures. At the same time, he could work both in the male and female incarnations. His voice sounds in three dozen cartoons. It was convenient and profitable for the directors to work with him - one actor voices several characters at once.

If we talk about personal life, then it did not work out. Grigory did not find a wife in due time. Over the years, the habit of living alone has developed. Grigory Oizerovich Spiegel died in April 1981.