Pablo Escobar's Wife: Photo

Pablo Escobar's Wife: Photo
Pablo Escobar's Wife: Photo

Pablo Escobar was a criminal who spared no one and nothing for the sake of big money. The only intangible value for the drug dealer was his family.

Pablo Escobar's wife: photo
Pablo Escobar's wife: photo

Pablo Escobar is one of the most famous and violent criminals in history. He made a lot of money selling cocaine. At the end of the last century, experts estimated the state of the drug lord at about $ 3 billion.

Acquaintance with Maria

Pablo was born into an ordinary poor family. His parents were a teacher and a farmer. During his teenage years, the guy spent all his time in the poor neighborhoods of Rionegro (Colombia). These areas were a real breeding ground for crime. Pablo began his activity by stealing tombstones, which he cleaned and resold.

At 22, Escobar, along with his comrades, kidnapped a wealthy businessman and hoped to get a ransom for him. But the young criminal did not manage to make money on this business. The kidnappers killed their prisoner. Pablo immediately openly said that he was involved in the crime. The poor people in his city turned the funeral of the rich man into a holiday, and Escobar earned their respect and recognition.


After the first crime, Pablo began to openly rob the rich and build the simplest housing for the poor with the money he received. Its popularity grew every day. The future drug lord was surrounded by young ladies. One of them lingered alongside Escobar the longest.

Pablo himself could not explain how the young beauty Maria ended up in his company. At the time of the wedding, the girl was only 15 years old, and the lovers began dating even earlier.

Business development

In the spring of 76, 27-year-old Pablo and 15-year-old Maria were officially married. A year later, their first-born Juan was born, and later their daughter Manuela. At this time, Escobar was actively involved in the development of his drug business throughout South America. He personally began shipping drugs to the United States. No other person could ship cocaine outside Colombia. Everyone had to pay huge taxes to Pablo. Only in this case, the next drug dealer could save his life and be sure that the next batch of his goods will be delivered to the right place.

Maria Victoria Vallejo was always with her husband. The girl became a devoted and faithful wife for the drug lord. People to this day remember with horror Pablo's atrocities, his greed and cruelty. Maria also knew about everything that her husband was doing, but this did not frighten the girl. Later, familiar families in their memoirs noted that Vallejo loved her husband without memory. She supported Escobar in everything he did.


Pablo, even after his marriage, remained a great lover of women. The drug lord had a huge number of short novels. He simply chose new girls for himself and did everything to make them his companions at least for a few days. Millions of dollars in my pocket helped a lot with this. Interestingly, the wife was also aware of her husband's weaknesses, but jealousy did not spoil their relationship. Maria calmly took Pablo's adventures to the side and humbly waited for him at home.

Surprisingly, those around him described Escobar as a loving and caring family man. His wife and children were his main value. The heirs remembered his father exclusively as a gentle and kind person. For example, once, while hiding from persecution in the mountains, in order to warm his daughter and feed his wife and son, Pablo burned about 2 million dollars.

It was the love of the family that ultimately precipitated the death of the criminal. Escobar, who in 93 diligently hid from the police, tried not to call his wife and children. But after his 44th birthday, he not only contacted his son, but also talked to him for more than 5 minutes. This was enough for the police to determine the whereabouts of the drug king. As a result, Pablo was laid out.

Family after Escobar's death

When the offender was killed, his family quickly moved to Argentina. There, both the wife of the drug lord and his children tried to start a new life. At home, they began to persecute, Pablo's family received regular threats.

Escobar's son changed his name immediately after the move and came up with a new biography for himself. It should be noted that the young man did not continue his father's work, but became an architect. Today, Pablo's heir does not hide whose son he is and even wrote a book about the murdered criminal.


The daughter of the drug king also changed her name, but the woman failed to become successful like her brother. Throughout her life, Manuela has been trying to cope with severe depression.

After the death of her husband, Maria had a particularly hard time. She even ended up in jail on suspicion of money laundering. True, there was no evidence of this. Today a woman lives a very closed life.
