There are two principles in man: material and spiritual. It is important that both the material and the spiritual world in each person be developed. This is how true harmony is achieved. The development of only the material world is destructive for a person. So what is lack of spirituality, and how is it dangerous for modern society?

Lack of spirituality is a real disaster of our time. It is expressed in down-to-earthness, immorality, commercialism, low culture. Often, in pursuit of all kinds of material benefits, a person forgets about the highest human values and ideals. It is due to finding the right balance between the development of the spiritual and material worlds that people improve themselves, become whole, highly developed personalities. A person, for his own progress, cannot be mired in materialism to the detriment of spirituality. The opposite is also true: while engaging in your spiritual development, you should not forget about the material, physical needs of your body. In people, everything is interconnected, so self-development should be comprehensive and as complete as possible. What are the disadvantages of lack of spirituality? Without spirituality, a person becomes callous, cynical, incapable of empathy and compassion. His own interests become above everything else in the world, thus, the lack of a spiritual principle feeds human egoism. Aggressiveness and cruelty of the personality also grows. For personal gain, soulless people are ready to commit many serious crimes, even murder. An unspiritual person is completely unprepared for sacrifice and deeds. Loss of spirituality is a loss of spirit, soul. Rejecting spiritual values, people cease to deeply feel themselves and the world around them. They often lose the ability to create, to create something new. Consumerism is becoming their main prerogative. A soulless person is incapable of true love, faith. In addition, it is almost impossible for him to find his way in this world and feel happiness from every moment of life. That is why the lack of spirituality often leads to illness, depression. Often and suicide. That is why it is important for any person to perfect the spiritual principle within themselves.