What Is Spirituality

What Is Spirituality
What Is Spirituality

Human spirituality is a very complex and multifaceted concept that simultaneously encompasses several aspects of a person's personality. What does this word actually mean?

What is spirituality
What is spirituality

If a person gives up his ego and begins to manifest the qualities inherent in the Creator, we can assume that he is taking the first steps on the path to true spirituality. After all, being spiritual does not mean praying a lot, going to church or studying special spiritual literature. Spirituality is much higher than such worldly concepts, it embraces the desire of the human soul to unite with the Creator, to become at least somewhat similar to him and begin to benefit others.

Initially, each person seeks benefits only for himself. We strive to improve our own life, completely forgetting about our great destiny - to live in society. If the Lord created man in his own image and likeness, he could not limit himself to only external physical resemblance, but put a divine spark into the soul, which is necessarily given to flare up and ignite with its inner light both the person himself and the people around him.

It is precisely at the moment of realizing this unity with the creator and abandoning one's own in the name of the common that the formation of human spirituality takes place. True spirituality is selfless service to God and people, sometimes even to strangers. A person is imbued with the ideas of goodness, light and the formation of spirit over flesh, ceases to be engaged in personal hoarding and devotes part of his life or even his whole life entirely to serving God and people. Some, realizing the erroneousness of their previous judgments, renounce the world and go to monasteries, where they devote their lives to service and prayers. Others, and there are far fewer of them, direct all their efforts to help others.

But you should not think that this quality in its original meaning is inherent exclusively to people of the clergy, clergy and convinced believers. If we perceive spirituality as the purity of the soul, thoughts and the disinterested striving of a person to serve others with his life, it appears much broader and more multifaceted. At all times, even when such a concept did not yet exist, disinterestedness, kindness and purity of thoughts were valued. Namely, these qualities are the components of the true spirituality of a person.

Of course, spirituality is a highly moral concept that refers to subtle matters and is not accessible to everyone. But this does not mean that people who have not achieved this are in some way worse or lower in status. It's just that each person is given the opportunity to express themselves in this life, and someone does it, developing for others.
