What Periods Is The History Of Mankind Divided Into?

What Periods Is The History Of Mankind Divided Into?
What Periods Is The History Of Mankind Divided Into?

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Over the past millions of years since the inception of life on earth, humanity has gone from hairy creatures with an atrophied speech apparatus and a tiny brain to a developed society with educated and cultured individuals.



Step 1

During this time, more than once attempts were made on the basis of various criteria to divide the history of mankind into significant stages. For example, it was proposed to define stages based on the way of providing life. Namely, from collecting roots for food and hunting wild animals to their domestication; from the development of land for cultivated plants to trade and industrial production.

Step 2

The Marxist system of periodization in the history of mankind is based on differences in the forms of ownership. The primitive communal formation, as the earliest period in the formation of human relations, developed from a primitive commune to a late primitive commune. At the beginning of the first millennium BC. e. it was replaced by the slave formation, and from the 1st to the 17th century. n. e. in society, two classes arose - landowners and peasants working for them. This type of society was called feudalism and was more progressive in comparison with the slave system. Parallel to and on the basis of feudalism, starting from the 14th century, a capitalist formation based on the priority of private property developed. The last formation that humanity has experienced is socialist. It should be noted that the evolution of society is accelerating with each new formation.

Step 3

The most famous is the system of dividing the history of mankind into eras.

About two million years ago, when the primate first realized its essence and separated from the animal world, a primitive society arose. It is difficult to say what caused this. Scientists suggest that in the conditions of "drying" of the climate, mankind had to adapt to living conditions in open treeless spaces, and this led to the struggle for survival with other biological species. People were forced to unite, which led to the emergence of oral speech and the development of thinking. It was at this time that a person masters the tools of labor and the ability to walk upright.

Step 4

After primitive society about forty centuries ago, the formation of states and class societies became decisive in history. This is how the history of the most famous civilizations of the ancient world began. During this period, writing was born, the education system was formed. The most famous temples and sculptures that have survived to this day appeared during this period. For example, we can cite the pyramids in Egypt, the famous and majestic temple of Luxor in Greece, the Colosseum.

Step 5

The history of the Middle Ages began in the 5th century with the fall of the Roman Empire. The name of this time means the interval between ancient antiquity and modern times. At this time, the church becomes both a bearer of culture and a center of education, and a punishing sword for everything that contradicted its foundations. In the Middle Ages, homiletics was born as the science of Christian church conversations (sermons).

Step 6

The history of modern times began about 3 centuries ago. This is an era of colossal upheavals in the political, economic and social spheres of life, an era of geographical discoveries that changed the world. From the beginning of the 20th century to the present, modern times have lasted. And we can not only observe all the changes in this era, but also participate in them.
