Is It Possible To Spend Maternity Capital To Buy A Summer House?

Is It Possible To Spend Maternity Capital To Buy A Summer House?
Is It Possible To Spend Maternity Capital To Buy A Summer House?

Many families often ask the question: "Is it possible to spend maternity capital to buy a summer residence?" How legitimate will it be to spend money on the purchase of a plot with the subsequent construction of residential premises on it? Knowing the law, you can fulfill your dream and not violate the established framework.

Is it possible to spend maternity capital to buy a summer house?
Is it possible to spend maternity capital to buy a summer house?

Forewarned is forearmed

By law, it is allowed to use maternity capital to improve the condition of housing. Accordingly, the funds should be aimed at the purchase, construction or renovation of residential premises.

If the conditions are met, the money spent on the construction or reconstruction of the premises will be reimbursed by the state when issuing documentary evidence.

Upon receipt of the certificate, you can dispose of it to pay for a loan or mortgage, as an initial payment of a mortgage received for the construction or purchase of a dwelling.

Dacha for maternity capital: myth or reality?

If you want to spend maternity capital to buy a summer house, you should take into account some conditions. Housing must pass state registration and fully comply with all requirements. The word "dacha" should mean housing adapted for permanent residence, which meets all the requirements of the norms established by law. It is necessary to provide all the conditions for full-fledged year-round living. Provide lighting, water supply, heating, electricity and ensure good ventilation.

It is forbidden to buy emergency premises or buildings unsuitable for habitation using maternity capital.

Registration of a plot of land without buildings will be illegal. The house / dacha / living quarters must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation, while the premises must be registered for all family members, including children under the age of 18.

Before buying a summer cottage, check with your local government for sure if this premises meets all the standards established by the Housing Code.

If you nevertheless decide to purchase a summer cottage plot for maternity capital, do not despair, since a certificate can also be presented for the construction of a residential country house.

How to build

In order to legally receive material assistance from the pension fund of the Russian Federation, a number of conditions must be met. Acquire a piece of land located within the city, with an address and the possibility of registration. Build a habitable house that you can register and register in. In the future, you can use it as a summer residence. The law does not provide for other options.

Based on the framework of the law, it is obvious that it is possible to purchase a dacha with the help of maternity capital only when the premises are listed as full-fledged housing with the possibility of permanent residence, as well as registration of registration and address. In other situations, the acquisition of plots or premises for maternity capital will be illegal and punishable by law.
