Puzyrev Yuri Nikolaevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Puzyrev Yuri Nikolaevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Puzyrev Yuri Nikolaevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Soviet cinema developed according to its own rules. The audience loved the actors who played the goodies. Yuri Puzyrev belongs to this category.

Yuri Puzyrev
Yuri Puzyrev

Difficult childhood

Yuri Nikolaevich Puzyrev was born on May 6, 1926 in an ordinary family. Parents at that time lived in a small village near Moscow. After a while they moved to Leningrad. The child grew up and developed in the city on the Neva. Yura studied well at school. The boy's favorite subjects were literature and geography. He actively participated in social events and amateur performances. He willingly attended a theater studio, where students, under the guidance of experienced teachers, staged various performances.

When the war broke out, the Puzyryovs were evacuated. It was possible to return to the place of permanent registration only in 1944 after the blockade was lifted. Yuri immediately entered an industrial technical school. He spent his free time at the Bolshoi Drama Theater, where he gladly participated in extras. I gained experience and watched how the servants of Melpomene live, what barriers they overcome and what they dream about in the future. According to the established tradition, a visiting selection committee from the famous Moscow Art Theater School regularly worked in Leningrad. In 1948, after successfully passing the exams, Puzyrev was admitted to the acting department.

On stage and on screen

Yuri Puzyrev's creative career developed progressively, without loud scandals or disruptions. Having received an acting education, he went to work at the Central Theater of Transport. A few years later, in 1958, the already famous actor, was invited to the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater. At that time, talented and ambitious people - actors, screenwriters, directors - gathered under the roof of this temple of arts. Tickets for the performances were sold out in six months. Puzyrev harmoniously, as they say, fit into the team and served in the theater until 1991.

In the biography of the actor, it is indicated in a separate line that he had a voice of rare beauty. Puzyrev began to be invited to the cinema as a student. The first success came to him in 1954 after the release of the film "The Sea Hunter". Then the audience saw and appreciated the film "The Other Side". Puzyrev played brilliantly, but the first serious test of his voice was no less important. Yuri Nikolaevich sang a song about anxious youth, which was written by Alexandra Pakhmutova.

Essays on personal life

Today it is important to note that the work of Yuri Puzrev developed simultaneously with large-scale processes that were gaining momentum throughout the country. The construction of the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station attracted the attention of the entire planet. Both romantics and inveterate skeptics came to work on the laying of concrete. Simple human love walked alongside unparalleled deeds. In those years, the cult song "LEP-500" performed by Yuri Puzyrev sounded on all radio stations in the country.

The personal life of a modest and at the same time great actor proceeded far from prying eyes. Yuri got married at less than twenty years of age. Husband and wife have lived under the same roof their entire adult life. They raised a son who, following the example of his father, linked his life with the theater. Yuri Nikolaevich Puzyrev died in May 1991.
