Vladimir Fetin is a Soviet film director. Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR was awarded the Silver Medal of the International Festival of Children and Youth Films in Calcutta for the film "Striped Flight".

The real surname of Vladimir Alexandrovich is Fetting or Fitingoff. The first abbreviation of the family name was made by the German nobles after the October events. For the credits of the comedy film, the surname had to be shortened to the Russified version of "Fetin".
Searching for a vocation
The biography of the famous filmmaker began in 1925. The child was born in Moscow on October 14 in the family of Alexander Fetting (Fitingof). Almost nothing is known about the director's childhood and adolescence. Vladimir took part in the Great Patriotic War. After the Victory, Fetin started working as a draftsman. The future cinematographer visited the master of technological equipment.
The young man nevertheless chose education at VGIK. He entered the directing department in 1955. The future director graduated from Shirokov's workshop in 1959. At the same time, he made his directorial debut. Fetin filmed Sholokhov's "Foal". He went to work as a director at the Lenfilm studio. The young director filmed plots for the "Fitil" newsreel and was their author.
In 1964, work began on a new film based on the story of Sholokhov. On the set of "Donskoy Story" there was a meeting with actress Lyudmila Chursina. With her, the director subsequently arranged his personal life. Fetin and his chosen one became husband and wife. The actress starred in the films of her husband. There was not a single child in the family.

Significant works
During his film career, he shot a few pictures. But each of them was remembered by the audience, remaining loved for many years.
Striped flight
One of the most famous films of Fetin is the comedy "Striped Flight". The director received the assignment to shoot in 1965. The script was based on a real, albeit noticeably revised and expanded story. In the story, the ship's barmaid unexpectedly discovers her talent for taming predators. The work was planned with the participation of the circus celebrity Margarita Nazarova in the title role. Her tigers were also filmed with the tamer.
After the release of the film, the film instantly became one of the most popular in the country. Many famous artists played in the episodes. Moreover, Vasily Lanovoy, who played the role of a young man on the beach, uttering the famous phrase about "a beautifully floating group in striped swimsuits" was not even listed in the credits.
"Don story" and "Virineya"
The new work was the film "Don Story". Meeting with the Cossack Daria turns into a real disaster for the Red Army soldier Yakov. Filmed based on the works of Sholokhov "Shibalkovo Semya" and "Birthmark", the film was highly appreciated by critics. For the performance of the role of Yakov Shibalok, the actor Yevgeny Leonov received several prestigious awards.

In 1968 work was completed on the new film "Virineya". Lyudmila Chursina played the main role in it. She reincarnated as a simple inhabitant of a remote village, trying to find her own happiness in a new life during the Civil War. She also performed the main roles of the director's wife in his projects Lyubov Yarovaya and Open Book in the early seventies.
Sweet woman
She was supposed to become the main character of Chursin in the film "Sweet Woman". However, the actress herself refused to work. The painting depicts the story of a gripping and punching country woman. Anna Dobrokhotova knows how to make an impression. The employee of the confectionery factory gradually becomes the owner of the equipped housing. She is not going to deal with the child, looking for easy happiness.
Anna, constantly condemning fellow villagers, is actually busy only with fulfilling her own desires. The grown-up Yura interferes with his mother. The stepfather finds a common language with the guy and helps to enter the Nakhimov school.
This time Anna sees the reason for leaving her husband not in her own soullessness, she is looking for other reasons. A "sweet" woman is a selfish person. For her, only material well-being is important. As a result, she loses her family happiness.
The main character was played by Natalia Gundareva. The aspiring actress did a brilliant job. She managed to show the image of an empty and selfish narrow-minded woman.

Latest Movies
In 1979 the melodramatic parable "Taiga Tale" was filmed. The main character of the film, Akim, is a fisherman. In a forest hut, he finds a sick Muscovite Elya. The girl went to the taiga in search of her father's expedition with the adventurer Georgy. The man died while hunting the Tsar Fish.
Akim puts off hunting business and takes care of the guest. The girl is incapable of living in the forest. However, she will have to spend time before the first helicopter in the wilderness. The hunter realizes that El may not survive the winter. He decides to go to the people. A helicopter was sent for them. Before parting, Akim and El understand that now their fates are linked.
The last work of the director was the film "Lost Among the Living", shown in 1981. According to the plot, the Criminal Investigation Department is busy uncovering a series of car thefts. The detectives manage to find an intermediary implementing the Volga, but unknown criminals eliminate the unwanted witness.
A young taxi driver is drawn into criminal activity by deception. After his refusal to engage in crime, the sentence to Khilkov was signed. However, now the organizer of the murder, a hardened recidivist, has been identified by the police.

The director did not live to see the premiere of his work. He passed away on August 20, 1981.