Roman Lvovich Trakhtenberg: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Roman Lvovich Trakhtenberg: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Roman Lvovich Trakhtenberg: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Roman Trakhtenberg is a showman, director, writer. His real name is Gorbunov. He became recognizable when he began to host the show "Money Does Not Smell", "Next" on Muz-TV.

Trakhtenberg Roman
Trakhtenberg Roman

early years

Roman Lvovich was born on September 28, 1968. His hometown is St. Petersburg. His parents are Jewish by nationality. Roman's father is an artist, he was in charge of the House of Culture, his mother is a dentist.

Parents broke up when Roma was one year old. Later, the mother remarried. The stepfather bore the surname Trakhtenberg, which Roman later took as a pseudonym.

As a schoolboy, he studied in youth theater, sang in the choir on radio and TV. After school, Roman began his studies at the university (Faculty of Philology), but after 2 years he was expelled for academic failure.

After the army, Trachtenberg was educated at the Institute of Culture at the faculty of directors. In 1999 he received his Ph. D. with a thesis on the revival of traditional culture.

Creative biography

In the early 90s, Trachtenberg was a teacher at the Institute of Culture, and also tried to go into business. In 1993 he joined the Art Clinic cabaret troupe and became the head of the Formal Theater.

In 1997, Roman was appointed art director of the Hali-Gali cabaret, where he was also an entertainer and director. The first event was the festival of tattoo artists.

The novel gained a reputation as a controversial host with a sense of humor. He was literally inundated with offers of interesting work. Trachtenberg was a radio presenter on Europa Plus, he hosted the program "Novel without end".

In 2003 he moved to the capital, he became a TV presenter on Muz-TV, where he hosted the show Next, Money Does Not Smell. Later, Roman had his own program on Russian Radio. During that period, he became the owner of the Trakhtenberg Cafe in St. Petersburg.

In 2003, Roman starred in the film "Lines of Fate", "Russian Special Forces". Later there were roles in the movie "Game without rules", "Guest performer". He participated in dubbing cartoons, films, recorded an audiobook of anecdotes, as well as fairy tales, fables, songs.

In recent years, Roman Lvovich worked at the Mayak radio, where he and Elena Batinova hosted the Trakhty-Barakhty Show. The artist died on November 20, 2009 at 41. It happened live, Roman suddenly had a heart attack. Later, medical experts discovered that he had a congenital heart anomaly.

Personal life

The first wife of Roman Lvovich was Elena Romanova, a classmate at the Institute of Culture. In 1994, the son of Lev-David appeared. The marriage lasted 14 years.

When the artist moved to the capital, he had a new woman, because of which family life collapsed. Later Trakhtenberg met a student Moroz Vera, whom he married. Vera works as a doctor at the Center for X-ray and Radiology. 3 years after Roman's death, she remarried to Konstantin Rebrikov, a doctor.

For 1, 5 years before his death, Trachtenberg met his son, born out of wedlock. Alyona Semyonova became his mother. Roman recognized his son and bought him an apartment in Moscow.
