Why Family Day Matters

Why Family Day Matters
Why Family Day Matters

International Family Day is celebrated on 15 May. But its meaning is to remember about your family not only on this day, but to devote your attention and care to it every day. In Russia there is also a separate, state, family holiday.

Why Family Day matters
Why Family Day matters

Family Day was approved by the UN Assembly. Each year it is dedicated to a specific topic related to families. And the UN Secretary General every year calls on people to pay attention to the problems of all mankind, not just each family individually. These are migration, illness and the disabled, old age, poverty, family relationships and many others. In 2012, for example, this day was dedicated to the balance between a person's work and his family responsibilities, between society and family.

It is no coincidence that they say that you need to change the world from yourself and from what is around. First of all, it is a family. If you treat her as a neighbor's cohabitation, then you will not be able to achieve mutual understanding not only with your relatives, but, of course, with the rest of the environment. During family day, all of humanity is called to account for loved ones. Ultimately, she will become responsible for all life on the planet, since people are part of her. And only responsibility makes a person feel fully their freedom. This is the natural state of anyone who wants to live in peace and joy every day - to be responsible for their small part of the space.

In Russia there is another similar holiday, which is celebrated annually on July 8. This is a day of family, love and fidelity. The date is dedicated to the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, who are revered as faithful and pious spouses, an exemplary family. On this day, people are reminded that parents should equally take care of their children, and adult children are obliged to help their parents if they are already old and sick. This is even noted in our Constitution.

The family is not a given, attributed to a person until the end of his days. She is fragile and may not survive strife. But a strong family is a support. This should be remembered not only on family day, but every day.