When Was International Family Day

When Was International Family Day
When Was International Family Day

The UN General Assembly on September 20, 1993 decided to introduce a new holiday into the calendar. According to the adopted resolution, May 15 is named International Day of the Family. This holiday is celebrated in many countries, including Russia.

When was International Day of the Family
When was International Day of the Family

The family is the place where a person receives his first life experience and knowledge, forms and develops as a person, learns to live in society. Today in Russia the family problem is very acute, since the divorce rate is quite high. When divorcing, young parents sometimes do not understand the seriousness of the situation, and the separation of loved ones can provoke a child's mental trauma. In addition, there are a large number of dysfunctional families in Russia. To draw people's attention to the problems of some married couples, the UN has introduced International Day of the Family.

Back in 1989, the idea was put forward to establish a holiday dedicated to the most important public institution, but the final decision was made in 1993. In Russia, this holiday has been celebrated since 1995. On this day, people organize various conferences, actions, concerts that are dedicated to family values. Large organizing companies try to support disadvantaged families, that is, the funds raised during the concerts are transferred to social authorities, which subsequently pay benefits to people in need.

On May 15, Russian citizens who have any merits in raising children and forming a family are awarded the Order of Parental Glory. In addition to the order, one of the parents or adoptive parents is paid a one-time allowance, the amount of which is 50,000 rubles.

If you have a family, spend this day with her. Go all together to a concert or cinema, go to nature, visit the older generation. Try to devote yourself to family and friends.

This day does not always fall on a weekend. Therefore, if you did not manage to celebrate the holiday the way you planned, do not be discouraged, because on July 8, the Day of Family, Fidelity and Love, you can catch up.
