How To Choose A Housing And Communal Services Management Company

How To Choose A Housing And Communal Services Management Company
How To Choose A Housing And Communal Services Management Company

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The tasks of the management company include maintaining all systems of an apartment building in working order and providing comfortable conditions for residents. It is on her actions that the prospects for the development of the house and yard area, the health of the heating system, and cleanliness in the entrances depend. To choose a responsible and proactive management company, follow a specific course of action.

How to choose a housing and communal services management company
How to choose a housing and communal services management company


Step 1

Organize a general meeting of the tenants in your home. Schedule it at a convenient time, for example, 19-20 hours, when the majority of residents will return from work. Place announcements in advance about the date of the meeting and its topic.

Step 2

Discuss at the general meeting what exactly you want to assign to the management company. List the mandatory daily, monthly, and seasonal household chores that company employees will perform. Select the additional wishes that are most important to all residents. This can be a major overhaul of the roof, arrangement of a children's playground, replacement of windows in the entrances, etc. Vote for the list of basic requirements for the management company. Record any suggestions on the minutes of the meeting.

Step 3

Create an initiative group. Include people who have the time and energy to study the utility market. Many of your neighbors are working and willing to take limited participation in the search for a management company. Therefore, you can rely on active retirees and housewives who will prepare several options.

Step 4

Make a list of management companies with which cooperation is possible. You can find a complete list of all organizations in the city's housing and communal services sector on the Internet. The register of management companies can also be requested from the city or district administration.

Step 5

Speak personally with representatives of each company. Start with those that serve the apartment buildings in your neighborhood or in your neighborhood. Such management companies are already familiar with the existing problems of street and neighborhood communications. In addition, you can get feedback on the work of the company from residents of neighboring houses.

Step 6

Find out in each management company the following points: - the date of creation of the company, on the basis of which organization it arose, the number of houses in management, the annual rate of increase (decrease) in the number of managed houses; - the range of services provided, their base cost, the presence and size of increasing factors, penalties for residents and for the company for violating the clauses of the contract; - availability of its own material and technical base for carrying out work around the house (plumbing, internal repairs, etc.), independently performed types of work and types of work for which contractors are involved; - qualification of personnel of all levels: from managers to janitors; - terms of work, especially in the elimination of emergencies.

Step 7

Stop the preliminary selection on the 2-3 companies you like most. Ask each of them to draw up a rough plan for the development of the house and suggestions for improving its current maintenance. Invite representatives of management companies to meet with tenants. Get a model management contract from each organization, and be sure to discuss it with a lawyer who specializes in housing law.

Step 8

Have another meeting of apartment owners. Give the floor to representatives of management companies who will talk about their services and opportunities. Ask your lawyer to give an opinion on the correctness of drafting management contracts. After the residents ask all the questions of interest and receive exhaustive answers to them, hold a vote.

Step 9

Draw up a minutes following the meeting. On the basis of the protocol, conclude an agreement with the management company selected by the tenants. Keep one copy of the contract with you until its expiration.