Galina Lebedeva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Galina Lebedeva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Galina Lebedeva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Galina Vladimirovna Lebedeva is a children's writer who tells simple emotional fairy-tale and real stories and writes poetry about our children and parents. In the modern world, saturated with children's literature, her works radiate sincerity and kindness, because she feels the inner world of the child.

Galina Lebedeva: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Galina Lebedeva: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Childhood and school years

Galina Vladimirovna Lebedeva was born in Moscow in 1938.

She began to show interest in literary creativity from childhood. Her family's move abroad to Finland contributed to the formation of her artistic taste. Her father was an embassy worker. Mother taught her and her son Slavik to read and write. It was then that she discovered her daughter's literary abilities. She made sure that her daughter improved her creative skills on a daily basis. In addition to music, singing, dancing, the children had etiquette lessons. When the parents returned to Moscow, in the 4th grade, my daughter started having problems with mathematics. And later the exact sciences were given to her with difficulty. But the imagination was great. The school understood how well she writes essays, recites, and enrolled in a literary circle. Famous writers Agnia Barto and Samuil Marshak worked with children.

The beginning of a creative career

By the time she entered the Literary Institute, she had a whole album of publications. Her father followed her progress in the children's periodicals. The competition was about 60 people per seat. She knew German well and showed translations from Heine, her favorite poet at the time. She did her internship at the Veselye Kartinki magazine. When the eldest daughter Masha was born, the creative flowering of her mother began.

Tales about the girl Masha

The prototype of the tale about Masha was her first daughter. A cartoon was created based on the fairy tale. And then it was translated into 50 languages of the world.

When the grandchildren began to grow up, Galina began to write New Year's scripts, taught classes in the Vesnyanka choir studio, where she took them.


The writer came up with a story about how Masha did not want to delve into everyday problems and how her mood changed. The girl ended up in the house of a family of ravens. It was very dirty here. The birds forced her to clean up, cook and babysit the crows. Masha really wanted to go home. A spider and a bat helped her in this. The story ends well. The girl is glad to return. She realized that she needed to learn everything, including housework.

Subsequently, G. Lebedeva wrote the following works:


Child Soul Connoisseur

G. Lebedeva feels childish desires, childish mood. She understands the child's dreams about a car, a simple and natural desire for a gift and the boy's idea of how he and a friend will get into it and go on a long journey.


Even such verses, which speak of a religious worldview, are available to children. Here the main character walks in winter along a barely noticeable path to a church on a hill. Everything shines there. The views of the saints are strict. Looking at them, people believe in the best. And the child can feel warmth in the eyes of God through eternity.

The poetess feels the state of the child when a thunderstorm is coming. To reduce the child's fear, she describes it figuratively. And at the end, a final word about the fact that people are in the house and he will save them. But simple, sincere poems about a Christmas tree that they brought home, they put it, but it is cramped, there is no space. The description of toys as living beings is interesting.

Reading the poems of G. Lebedeva infects with optimism. Speaking on behalf of the child, she feels his condition. After all, you always want your dad to be stronger than everyone else, so that he carries mom in his arms. A childish desire to become the same in the future is so natural.


She writes about a fun ride down a slide, which she made herself, about a tree that was planted by a girl and forgotten by her. But help came - the boy will take care of him so that it becomes higher and higher. Even about how sparrows feed is written at the same time mentally, impressionable and at the same time unobtrusively instructive. The sparrows flocked to the piece of bread thrown by the child. The situation about how sparrows quarrel over food, and then reconcile, is simple, but instructive. After all, even the birds, calling a person an eccentric, know that it is necessary to take care of bread, and the bird-parents teach this to the bird-children.

Family creativity

The youngest daughter of G. Lebedeva, Ekaterina, worked at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company and began talking about her mother in programs, and then making out audio tapes. Then she involved the parent in dubbing her and other works. Soon the play "The Adventures of a Cucumber Horse" was created, where the actors took part:


Children's roles were played by Galina's granddaughters - Zoya and Anya, and she herself - Belka. The producer was Catherine's husband. So creative work became a family affair. Daughter Ekaterina admits that she is very fond of the fairy tale "Cucumber Horse", because it was dedicated to her. The daughter continues to travel to schools and promote her mother's books. She understands that the ideological theme of her mother's works is associated with the concept of a complete, happy family, based on a caring attitude towards each other.

From personal life

Galina met with her future husband, a graduate of the naval school, when she was applying. When they wrote the essay, he suggested to her with whom to compare Mayakovsky and who his poems later influenced. They became husband and wife in their second year, when he was 19, and she was 18.

The memory is preserved

Galina Lebedeva died in 2014. One of the last books not published during her lifetime is Kolkino's Summer. Daughter Catherine did everything to publish it after the death of her mother. These are stories about how a boy spends the summer in the village with his grandparents, and they teach him everything they can. The prototype of the main character was the writer's great-grandson, Nikolai, and his friend Polinka was the writer's niece.


Readers' opinion

People buy, borrow the works of G. Lebedeva in libraries and are filled with great impressions. Readers believe that these warm and sunny stories are filled with kindness and love. The expression "read to the holes" is often used.

Getting to know the real world of insects by poetry … Doesn't it seem strange? No, if you tell the child that in the book everything happens in animals, just like in humans. It is known that falling asleep for a child is often a difficult task. You can hear from him how boring it is to go to bed. After reading Masha's adventures, you really should make peace with your bed and fall asleep sweetly. Even adults are happy to return to childhood with their children, to get away from everyday problems. G. Lebedeva's books teach you to love and appreciate what you have, not to act selfishly and rudely.


Books … with a soul

G. Lebedeva did not become famous so quickly, but the moral essence of what she wrote comes to people late or early. Nowadays, the store shelves are filled with many beautiful books. And people are still looking for books … with a soul. Such are her touching and heartfelt prose and poetic stories.