Valentin Stepanov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Valentin Stepanov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Valentin Stepanov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Valentin Nikolaevich Stepanov chose philology and became its teacher. The modern world requires the study of the culture of communication. This direction is interesting to him, as well as to his students. Participating in competitions both as a reader and in the jury, writing on linguistic topics is his element, and he confidently follows this path.

Valentin Stepanov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Valentin Stepanov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

From biography

Valentin Nikolaevich Stepanov was born in 1972 in Rybinsk. In 1989 he graduated from school №1, in 1994 - Yaroslavl Pedagogical University and received a philological education. The Russian language teacher called them “the last reading generation”. Once, when it was necessary to read the poetry of V. Mayakovsky, Valentin said that this poet was not of interest to him.

In the future, his career was successful:


Teaching activities

V. Stepanov trains specialists in advertising and public relations. To get this specialty, young people need to comprehend a lot: the media market, the media, technology, and write differently for radio, television, and blogs. In his classes, students also learn from Western advertising texts. According to the professor, Russian advertisers lack specialized knowledge, erudition, and speech culture.

V. Stepanov participates in the professional development of not only students, but also officials, businessmen who study all stages of the negotiation process in order to dispose a foreign colleague to mutual understanding. When they start to play around with situations, it becomes obvious that Russian business is far from world practice. And until a person learns to understand his inner state during a discussion, he will not be able to come to a culture of dialogue.

V. Stepanov is sure that the ability to clearly convey one's thoughts and communicate with people is a necessary quality of a person.

The best Yaroslavl reader

The owner of a bookstore in Novosibirsk attracted attention by deciding to hold a reading aloud championship. After 5 years, this event from a Siberian one grew into a federal project, in which many cities of Russia participate. Participants draw out a number, take a book corresponding to it and read aloud a fragment from it for a minute without preparation. Whoever reads more artistic and eloquent will win.

When in 2015 the stage of the championship in reading aloud took place in Yaroslavl, philologist V. Stepanov became the best reader.


The professor admitted that according to the first book he wrote a term paper on barbarism, which just caught in the passage. But even if there was an unfamiliar text, there would be no difficulties, because he has a wealth of experience in public speaking. And yet, in one of the universities, he teaches speed reading. He admitted that philology is his element and that reading books aloud is a pleasure for him.

Teaching eloquence

Before competitions V. Stepanov often conducts classes on expressive reading and acquaints the participants with the laws of eloquence, with the manner of performance. He highlights the moments that underlie the expressiveness of reading: the sound is read to the sound, the line must be read like a word, the semantic accent of the read is important, you need to breathe correctly and take a free pose. The readers, along with the audience, analyze each performance. Students note that they are worried before reading unfamiliar words, in the absence of rhyme in the poem.

V. Stepanov found that there are more women among those who want to read aloud. It turns out that men and women have different breathing: a man breathes in the abdominal cavity, and a woman breathes superficially, so her sound is easier.


V. Stepanov tries to convey the idea that classical literature, old films, philosophy are considered to be examples of coherent speech. At the end of the class, he reads poetry.

According to the teacher, such events not only contribute to familiarization with the great literature, but also minimize the conflict between generations.

Creativity of a scientist-publicist

IN. Stepanov is the author of many works. He analyzes legal linguistics, television speech, television advertising, advertising texts. He writes about how preparing for cultural events dedicated to the dates of the city helps to shape the image of the city and its residents.

One of the books, written in co-authorship, is devoted to the male image in advertising. For a long time, a lot of experience has been accumulated in the study of the characteristics of both women and men. This experience is used in advertising. M. Kiryanov and V. Stepanov analyze the social and cultural role of men in advertising in the recent past and now, according to leading research companies abroad, they study the dynamics of changing stereotypes in society and the use of male images in advertising.


V. Stepanov says about one of his books that it is difficult to read. But science exists for this purpose, to send such impulses to a person so that people search for strength in themselves and, in the end, find in themselves the answer to the question - what is the meaning of strength. This monograph is called


From personal life

The Stepanov family has three children. Two daughters and a son. From early childhood he systematically teaches them to retell short stories. This is in order not to lose the skill of oral communication. Before the exam, his daughter asked him how to write an essay: as required or from the heart. I wrote what I felt.. There were no speech errors. Points have been collected.

Despite the lack of time, he has been reading to his children for the past seven years. He is confident that instilling a love of books should be by example. There is no other way.


V. Stepanov is interesting as a person and as a teacher for his philosophical views, deep understanding of life, unique approach to youth, artistry. He found his own path in life, which he follows with great enthusiasm.