Victor Stepanov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Victor Stepanov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Victor Stepanov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Viktor Stepanov is a Soviet and Russian film and theater actor. The performer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Many of his roles have become stellar. Among his heroes are Yermak, and Lomonosov, and Peter the Great.

Victor Stepanov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Victor Stepanov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

The actor became famous after playing the role of Mikhail Lomonosov in the 1986 film of the same name. Later, in the film "Cold Summer of the 53rd", the artist appeared in the form of a rural operative.

Road to art

The actor's film debut took place at thirty-six. Viktor Fedorovich was born on Sakhalin. In 1947, on May 21, the future famous performer was born in Severo-Kurilsk. There were five children in a large family.

The boy spent all his childhood in Serdobsk. Its formation was influenced by the beauty of the peninsula and its attitude to the world. Many of the amenities familiar to the inhabitants of the middle lane were a real luxury for the inhabitants of Sakhalin. However, a mother with many children managed to achieve the harmonious development of all children.

Victor set for himself the goal of entering the Institute of Culture at the directing department. He had enough both knowledge and will. He became a student at the Tambov branch of the Moscow Institute of Culture. Stepanov graduated from his education in 1972. For many years he worked in theater groups in various cities. The vocational school was held in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Novgorod and Tambov.

Many years later, the management of "Lenkom" noticed the textured artist. The actor was invited to join the theater troupe in 1991. Viktor Fedorovich's multifaceted talent was revealed almost immediately. Theatrical career has helped him to play many bright roles. Work in one of the most famous collectives in the country came at a mature age. However, the very peak of the heyday of creativity fell on the cinema.

Victor Stepanov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Victor Stepanov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

His debut was an image in a historical film about Academician Pavlov in 1984. Before him, the artist played in a small episode of the comedy film "Vanity of Vanities". The performer himself did not attach any importance to this work.

His large textured figure and strong-willed appearance predetermined a certain role. The character seemed like a real man, a military leader, a historical figure. The image was in great demand in the eighties and nineties.


The heroes of Viktor Fyodorovich were Pavel Lutsik, truth-seeker from Okraina, hero of Gongofer Bakhyt Kiliev, general from Lucifer, Boiled in The Last Affair. All these images added to the popularity of the performer. But by that time he was already known. The role of Lomonosov became a star.

The demand for Stepanov was so high that once he simultaneously starred in eleven films. The actor did not disappoint a single director.

Outwardly, he looked like a real Russian hero. The directors decided to offer him only giants. All historical film projects told about the difficult era of the formation of Russia, the choice of the state of the future path.

Victor Stepanov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Victor Stepanov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Except for the image of Lomonos. The artist embodied on the screen Ermak Timofeevich, Peter the Great. He performed collective characters, participants in fateful events.

Few of the artists can boast of a considerable number of works in historical films. Stepanov was lucky in this. In the film "War" he created the image of a commander.

In "Thunderstorm over Russia" he became Malyuta Skuratov. Fyodor Chaliapin played in Under the Sign of Scorpio. The director Vitaly Melnikov, who worked on the painting Tsarevich Alexei, literally restrained the performer, who was trying to portray in his own way the image of the great reformer-autocrat. Such an interpretation did not quite fit the general concept of the tape. According to the painting, Peter the Great still corresponded to the historical canons.

Family life and cinema

The artist conveyed Skuratov's negative charm so vividly that the historical character was no longer perceived as a banal villain. Stepanov was especially successful in the image of Malyuta. A certain tragedy was put into it, which provided everyone with their own interpretation of the ambiguity of the historical character.

The plot of "Cold Summer of 53" also has a historical outline. The picture is based on real events. All invoices were written out carefully. Policeman Mankov is an officer completely convinced of his own righteousness, he is sincere, ready to fulfill his duty under any conditions. Human emotions are not alien to him, but he is sure that nothing is done without a reason.

Victor Stepanov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Victor Stepanov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

The artist gets used to each of the characters performed. But, looking at Mankov, one gets the impression that his uniform is a little too small. The key is that the actor is big enough. Courage, power and energy emanate from his appearance.

It is no wonder that Viktor Fedorovich was not deprived of female attention. However, the principles of the performer himself were very firm. He has never been seen in scandalous romances.

He lived with his first wife, Elya, for twenty years. The couple had no children. A real gift for him was the meeting with his second wife, Natalia. The already famous actor was divorced.

A girl who worked as a clapperboard and dresser was instructed to carry the script to him. Natasha did not become an actress even after meeting Stepanov. She performed roles exclusively in home videos. Immediately after the premiere of Mikhailo Lomonosov in 1987, a significant meeting took place in Kiev.

Together with the chosen one, the artist lived the time allotted to him. They practically never parted. An adopted child, the son of Nikita, grew up in the family. Stepanov's trauma, received during the filming of "Ermak", darkened life. Despite the unfavorable diagnoses, he continued to work.

Victor Stepanov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Victor Stepanov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Sometimes the actor was carried to the set in his arms. For twelve years, he fought the disease. A month before his death, he played the last role in the film "And life goes on." The talented artist passed away on December 26, 2005.