Battle Of Galicia: Description, History, Results

Battle Of Galicia: Description, History, Results
Battle Of Galicia: Description, History, Results

The First World War had a huge impact on the fate of people. During the war, many battles and battles took place, the result of which affected the outcome of the war. One of the largest battles of the early period of the First World War is the Battle of Galicia. She largely predetermined the course of further world history.

Russian prisoners of war in Galicia
Russian prisoners of war in Galicia

The beginning of the first world war

In 1914, all of Europe shuddered from a cruel event - the First World War began. Many battles took place during the war. European states took a direct part in the war - Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russian, Ottoman empires, England and France. Each country that participated in the battles had its own goals and objectives that it sought to realize.

It is customary to divide the entire course of the First World War into four stages. At the first stage of the war, there is an offensive by Germany on the Balkan states, the invasion of Austria-Hungary into the territory of Eastern Europe. It is at an early stage that a major battle takes place in the Galicia region, where Russian and Austro-Hungarian troops clashed.

Description of the Battle of Galicia

The Battle of Galicia began on August 5, 1914, a few days after the German invasion of the Balkan states. To fight Austria, the South-Western Front was opened in Russia. The emperor appointed General Nikolai Ivanov as the commander-in-chief of the front, who during his years of service in the army established himself as an outstanding commander and tactician.

Several armies were deployed on the Southwestern Front, ready to join the battle on demand. However, Russian intelligence had outdated data on the location of the Austrian troops on the western front. As it later turned out, the Austrian troops withdrew far to the west, their location was incorrect.

In fact, the battle in Galicia consisted of several successive operations. Since the Russian command decided to enter the war on the side of England and France, Germany intended to restrain the movement of Russian troops with the help of Austria. As a result, Austro-Hungarian troops were deployed on the Southwestern Front. The plan of the offensive operation was drawn up by Archduke Friedrich.

The Battle of Galicia consisted of three stages: the Lublin-Kholmsk battle, the Galich-Lvov operation and the pursuit of Austrian troops. The first major battle took place at Krasnik on the Polish sector of the front. The result of the battle was disappointing. The Russian troops had to retreat. There were problems with weapons and food. Bad frontal roads for a long time delayed the flow of food and ammunition for the front. The offensive of the Russian army in the north failed.

The most successful were the battles of the Russians in the central direction. In early August, the cities of Lvov and Galich fell. The army of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph began to retreat.

Results of the Battle of Galicia

It turned out to be difficult to direct the current situation in the right direction. Following the victory in the central direction, Samsonov's army was defeated in East Prussia. The general himself could not stand the shame and shot himself. The problem arose from the scattered actions of the two Russian armies. As a result of the destruction of one Russian army, the second went on the offensive on the Austrian front.

By mid-September, Russian armies were able to occupy the entire region. The Battle of Galicia ended with the victory of the Russian troops. However, it did not work to consolidate the position on the Southwestern Front. Due to the ill-considered and slow actions of the Russian command, the key moment was missed. The Russians failed to change the geopolitical situation in their direction. This event predetermined the course of further actions.