How To Ask A Question To The Mayor Of Moscow

How To Ask A Question To The Mayor Of Moscow
How To Ask A Question To The Mayor Of Moscow

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In order to ask a question to the Mayor of Moscow Sobyanin Sergei Semenovich, you can use a special form of electronic appeal available on the website of the Moscow Government, or write a regular letter.

How to ask a question to the mayor of Moscow
How to ask a question to the mayor of Moscow


Step 1

Visit the official website of the Moscow City Government. You can enable the visually impaired version if needed. Pay attention to the button "Electronic reception", located at the top of the main page on the right under the main horizontal menu. Click on it.

Step 2

Study the rules for accepting applications to the Moscow Government. If you agree with all the points of these rules, click the "Yes" button located at the bottom of the page.

Step 3

Select the type of appeal, whether you are writing as an individual or a legal entity. To do this, follow one of the two links on the page.

Step 4

Fill in all the fields related to your person. Leave information about first name, last name and patronymic, your home address, contact phone number and email. Please note that a request may not be accepted for consideration if you have provided inaccurate or incomplete information.

Step 5

Indicate the essence of your question in a separate field. You can write up to 3,000 characters.

Step 6

Ask the Mayor of Moscow a question in a specially designated field. The text should not exceed 4,000 characters, this is approximately two printed pages in Word format. Under this place for contact, you will see a separate window in which you must list the authorities to which you have already contacted with your question.

Step 7

Attach files if you refer to them in your question to the mayor. Files can be attached in jpg, bmp, png, tif, gif, pcx, txt, doc, rtf, xls, pps, ppt, pdf formats. Their size should not exceed 5 MB. Click the "Submit" button.

Step 8

Check your e-mail, it will receive an automatic message that your request has been accepted. Don't answer it. The mayor's answer will come to your email address or will be sent by an official letter to your place of residence.

Step 9

Write a letter on paper and send it to the address: 125032. Moscow st. Tverskaya, 13 To the Mayor of Moscow Sobyanin S. S. Leave your coordinates in the letter so that the answer will be delivered to your home address or by e-mail.
