Hired Workers Of Russia: Not Slaves, But Hostages

Hired Workers Of Russia: Not Slaves, But Hostages
Hired Workers Of Russia: Not Slaves, But Hostages

Analysis of the causes and consequences of the relationship between employers and employees in modern Russia. Recommendations for improving the current situation on the labor market.


The labor market in Russia is an enclave of informal relations. It is ruled by associations of smart, prudent and successful businessmen. The state and businessmen are fighting for the principles of the hiring code. The war has been going on since the 90s of the 20th century. The recipients of "gray" payments are hostages of hostilities, subject to the will of the masters of the spheres:

  • trade;
  • services;
  • construction;
  • transport.

The number of honest entrepreneurs and employees is growing. Until another crisis breaks out. Residents of the south of the country with unclaimed personnel are harder than others.

The techniques for influencing candidates and preparing obedient followers are simple, effective, and profitable. Human consciousness changes in five stages.

First date



Young people try to find work quickly. Reason: lack of experience, lack of skills. This is used by dishonest employers. The moral is as follows.

Private company:

  • have the right to pay the minimum salary;
  • man is the creator of personal success;
  • offers a "bonus" for fulfilling the plan above the salary.

There are no contributions to social funds from "bonus" money:

  • it is unprofitable to pay an additional 30% of the payment amount to the employee;
  • the employee cannot constantly fulfill the plan.

Business arguments:

  • otherwise, survival is impossible;
  • mass unemployment and impoverishment are worse;
  • such encouragement is the only possible one.

State organizations:

  • beginners with no experience are paid the minimum;
  • increase the rate after acquiring seniority;
  • often forced to work for free;
  • high level of requirements.

Other non-state firms are the same.

Complaints to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, the Labor Inspectorate and the Prosecutor's Office are useless:

  • payment of the minimum salary - the norm of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • receiving illegal money - a fine for illegal entrepreneurship under Part 2 of Art. 116 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation or a criminal case under Art. 171, 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • the company will pay and get out;
  • the employee will lose his job, accumulate debts or go to jail;
  • the informers will be given a "wolf ticket": colleagues will not accept;
  • attempts to change the system will fail.

Tactics of intimidation and threats are actively used:

  1. We have an old, famous enterprise.
  2. We create jobs for the city, district.
  3. Leaders:
  • on the board of honor;
  • industry award winners;
  • holders of academic degrees;
  • media persons.

4. In court, we have different "weight categories".



People who are dissatisfied with the principle “I cry as much as I want” complain to the state. And … get rejected. Formally, the scanty salaries are legal, and it is difficult to confirm unrecorded income.

But there are only a few of them. Hostages value the well-being of their own families and children. Tax inspectors know that in trade they earn on a percentage of sales. The hiring advertisements contain salary amounts and conditions. They are publicly available.

Business owners indicate in labor agreements the size of the rate not lower than that established by law in order to justify before the control authorities.

This is how "garbage" contracts multiply. Inaction breeds crime.

Family influence

Mafia is immortal
Mafia is immortal

Mafia is immortal

Determines further behavior. After the first lesson of the leader, the young man learns that such rules must be observed by relatives.

They tell him: honest employers pay in full officially, but they arrange serious competitions for each place. It is difficult to get to them. This is an old enterprise, the salary is paid on time. The owner does not offend those who perform duties. Pays as agreed.

Adulthood. "You took the money, and you are with them"

Unrecorded cash
Unrecorded cash

Unrecorded cash

With age comes understanding: the choice is made finally, there is no turning back. In the process of searching during a crisis, a candidate with experience at an interview hears the sentence: “Why do you need an employment contract? You register as an individual entrepreneur at the tax office, come to the office, work calmly from 9.00 to 18.00 as a hired employee. Once a quarter I will let you go to submit reports. It becomes clear: this is worse.

Over 45 and senior citizens

A difficult age
A difficult age

A difficult age

At this age, finding a job with market-level pay is a grueling marathon with formidable obstacles. The youth are winning.

The work itself becomes a vital value. The poor and the poor are employed.

Faith and Forbearance: The People's Choice

In Russia, people revere the tsar, the ability to personally put things in order. The government and officials look like enemies. But the tsar is in Moscow. You have to feed yourself and your family. Who offers jobs? The owner of the farm, factory, shop.

Confidence Crisis: Overcoming

Eliminate inequality, arbitrariness of employers will allow these measures:

1. Acceptance of an industry rate: a floor on the amount of payment for the performance of specific duties.

The minimum wage indicator - the minimum wage - is equal to the subsistence minimum. Ignores the differences in the consumption of mental, physical energy of representatives of different professions. It does not give satisfaction and material well-being.

Austerity is creating a nervous breakdown. Fatigue accumulates, a person loses interest in work. The hard nature of hired work causes aggression and irritability.

In addition, the introduction of increasing coefficients will have an effect: more experience, higher qualifications - the amount of remuneration will increase.

2. Strict control over the compliance of information in vacancy announcements with the terms of employment contracts. The use of severe penalties. The punishment is deprivation of the right to conduct business for discovering the facts of difference.

3. Decrease in fixed payments to government funds. Simultaneous development of personal savings schemes.

The listed innovations will protect the rights of workers, overcome fear and criminal addiction. Peace of mind is the key to productive work.