Any public or professional association has a governing body that, with the frequency specified in its charter, must convene all interested parties to hold reporting and election meetings. Entrance to such meetings is open to all members of a given society or delegates from groups of participants, thus exercising their right to participate in its activities.

Step 1
Think about the meeting agenda. Since the report and elections are one of the important issues, the turnout in this case is expected to be maximum. Therefore, in addition to these topics, you can include other pressing issues on the agenda that you will discuss with the members of your association. Decide on the time and place where the reporting and election meeting will take place. The room where it is planned to be held must be public and spacious enough to accommodate everyone.
Step 2
Notify all interested parties about the reporting and election meeting. To do this, you need to send out invitations with an indication of the agenda, date and place of the meeting. Post announcements with this information in places where they can be seen by the largest number of members of the association. Place such an ad in the media and television, if necessary.
Step 3
Arrange for attendee registration to begin half an hour before the meeting starts. Assign a sufficient number of registrars so that by the beginning of the event, all comers have the opportunity to enter their personal data. Usually, this is the surname, name and patronymic, organization or its structural unit, address of the place of registration or residence, contact information.
Step 4
Elect the chairman and secretary of the meeting. Please note that the chairman of your elected body cannot be elected as chairman of the assembly. If necessary, if it is provided by the statutory documents, elect a credentials committee, which checks the powers of the deputies, if they are elected from groups of members of the association.
Step 5
The secretary must keep the minutes. In the minutes, reflect the number of delegates or members of the association present at the meeting, who was elected chairman, secretary and with what voting results.
Step 6
The chairman of the elected body makes a report on the work done. In the protocol, reflect the total vote with an assessment - whether it is recognized as satisfactory or not. The meeting must hear proposals for a new composition of the elected body, discuss and vote on each candidate separately. Record the voting results in the minutes.
Step 7
After all the issues that were outlined in the agenda have been discussed, the chairman of the meeting must close it and sign the minutes of the meeting together with the secretary.