If you have a desire to share your opinion with journalists, feel free to grab a pencil. The editorial office of your letters is eagerly awaiting and discussing with interest, because readers' responses are very important for authors. But how to write a letter to the newspaper so that it will definitely fall into the hands of the addressee?

Step 1
Where The address of the newspaper's editorial office is published on the last page next to phone numbers, circulation, price and other imprint. Please note: you need the address of the editorial office, not the printing house. If the newspaper is a regional issue of an all-Russian publication, then decide to whom you are addressing the letter: local journalists or Moscow ones.
Step 2
To whom there may be several options. If you want to praise the material or argue with a specific author - write on the envelope the name of the journalist indicated under the article that interests you. You only know the department of the newspaper - address your appeal there. If you think that your problem should be dealt with by your bosses - make a note “personally to the editor-in-chief”. By specifying the recipient, you will speed up the review of your letter.
Step 3
How to contact The traditional address "expensive edition" is still popular and quite convenient to use. Alternatively, you can contact a journalist or editor by name and patronymic, which can be clarified with the editorial secretary by phone.
Step 4
About what After you contact, write a few words about your attitude towards the newspaper. For example, you have been reading this publication for a long time, and it fully reflects your position in life. Write about it. Journalists will be pleased to hear words of gratitude addressed to them. Do not start your message with angry accusations about something. Previously, it is better to note that you express your own opinion and will be grateful if your appeal is published. Citing certain facts, information, names of people and positions of responsible persons as an argument, try to be as objective as possible. Don't distort reality and people's names. This will negatively affect your reputation and make it difficult to investigate your letter as a journalist. If you are participating in a competition organized by a newspaper, try to clearly fulfill all its conditions. Additionally, provide some details about yourself. For example, write how long you dreamed of going to the sea and how glad you are that your favorite newspaper is holding a competition with a prize in the form of a trip to Crimea.
Step 5
How to write Write briefly, to the point. It is strictly forbidden to use profanity, offensive language, ambiguity and unethical hints.
Step 6
From whom Be sure to sign the letter. Anonymous appeals are not considered by the editors. Show yourself to be a decent and responsible citizen, because your letter, for sure, does not contain defamation. Subscribe with your last name, first name and patronymic, not initials. Please provide full address and telephone number. This will give editors the opportunity to contact you when needed. If for some reason you do not want to publish your name, please let us know in the letter.
Step 7
You can find out if a letter has been received from the editorial secretary by phone. Or send a certified letter with acknowledgment of receipt.