The entire Christian world with particular excitement awaited the historic event - the first meeting of the Patriarch of Moscow with the primate of the Catholic Church. Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis met in Cuba on the 12th of February on the way of their first visits to the countries of South and Central America. This event has become very significant not only for Christians around the world, but also for the world community itself.

The world society reacted with special expectation to the meeting of the heads of the Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. A few days before the personal dialogue of the leaders, it was known that the main purpose of the conversation would not be to talk about the dogmatic, liturgical and practical differences between Orthodox and Catholics, but to comprehend the events taking place in the Far East, as well as to answer the world community to the main questions concerning universal humanity. morality. The main document of the meeting was the "declaration" signed by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and Pope Francis.
At the beginning of the Epistle to the world community, the Primates of the Churches gave praise and gratitude in the Trinity to one God, sending down the apostolic blessing of grace from the second Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians.
The document especially emphasized the need for common work to create peace on the planet, despite the differences in dogmatic doctrine. At the same time, it was pointed to the common Tradition, which was adhered to by the Ecumenical Christian Church in the first millennium. The division of the Churches into Orthodox and Catholic (Western and Eastern) was "a consequence of human weakness and sinfulness" (paragraph 5 of the document of the meeting between Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and Pope Francis). Despite these differences, the leaders called on Christians in such a difficult time to turn their eyes to the Lord even more and to bear witness to the Word of God and the common Tradition of the Christian Church of the first millennium (the time before the separation of the Churches).

The patriarch and the pope expressed particular concern about the persecution and oppression of Christians: in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa. The church must bear witness to peace and call for peacemaking. And it was this admonition of the heads of the Churches that was addressed to the people through the signed document. It was also said about the need to provide assistance to the affected people, as well as to offer prayers for the victims and petitions to God for the establishment of peace.

The problem of terrorism, which is now a real tragedy of the world community and humanity as a whole, could not but be discussed at the meetings of the primates of the two Churches. The Patriarch and the Pope called on all those involved in military conflicts to sit down at the negotiating table. Efforts must be united in the joint fight against terror. It was especially emphasized in the document that no religious differences can and should not be the reason for crimes, including murder.

Particular attention at the meeting was paid to the restriction of religious freedom of a person and the impossibility in some cases of Christians to defend their rights, as well as to live in accordance with the gospel truths. This state of affairs aroused concern among the leaders, because in this case, the secularized society, the secular world encourages a person to forget his Creator God.
The Christian Church must show a feeling of compassion for people in difficult, sometimes even very difficult, life situations. Christianity calls for justice as well as respect for the traditions of peoples.

The document, signed by the leaders of the two Churches, pays special attention to the need for a correct understanding of the family. This can be the union of a man and a woman in love. At the same time, the Christian Church once again testifies to the rejection of same-sex marriages, as unions that contradict the biblical tradition. There are two separate points devoted to this in the document.

Among modern social trends, abortion and the practice of euthanasia are especially sad for the believing human heart. Christianity cannot affirm the right of a person to kill; everyone has the right to life. The text of the document cites the terrible words of the Bible, according to which the blood of unborn children cries out to God (Gen. 4:10). The practice of euthanasia also negatively affects a person, since it cannot be the embodiment of the commandment to love one's neighbor. The document also presents another consequence of the spread of euthanasia - the feeling of some kind of abandonment by the elderly and sick people.

Particular attention in the document is paid to the conflict in Ukraine. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church and the primate of the Catholic Church called on the parties to peace. In addition to political disagreements, there is also an Orthodox religious split in Ukraine, which must be overcome in accordance with the norms of canon law.

In addition, the document reflected the parting words of believers to fearlessly profess faith in the Lord, regardless of the fact that the world often does not accept it.
At the end of the message, the primates turned to the Most Holy Theotokos with words of prayer, expressed their hope for peace and like-mindedness in the name of the Holy and Inseparable Trinity.

The full text of the document on the meeting between Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and Pope Francis has now been published on the website Thus, everyone can familiarize themselves with a text that is so significant not only for Christians, but also for the entire modern society.